OLED dark theme for Google Gemini
gemini at night by zettaexa

LicenseNo License
Size2.6 kB
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Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name gemini at night
@namespace github.com/zettaexa/userstyles
@version 1.0.0
@description makes gemini darker!! and you can pick your accent color!!!!
@author zetta
@advanced text hue "Hue" 218
@advanced color colorpick "Color Picker (use this to copy your accent Hue)" hsl(218, 70%, 40%)
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("gemini.google.com") {
:where(.theme-host):where(.dark-theme) {
--gem-sys-color--surface: #000; /*Main*/
--gem-sys-color--surface-container: #070707; /*Sidebar*/
--gem-sys-color--surface-container-low: #000 /*Gem Maker*/
--gem-sys-color--surface-container-high: #111 !important; /*Hover*/
--gem-sys-color--surface-container-high: #111;
--gem-sys-color--surface-container-high--rgb: 17, 17, 17;
/*I have no idea why it needs 3 of the same variable for it to work but whatever*/
--gem-sys-color--surface-container-highest: #111; /*Conversation link field*/
--gem-sys-color--surface-bright: #121212; /*Conversation link button*/
--gem-sys-color--outline-variant: #222; /*Chat Border*/
--gem-sys-color--surface-variant: #222 !important;
--gem-sys-color--primary: hsl(/*[[hue]]*/, 91%, 91%); /*Primary Colors, default hue is 218*/
--gem-sys-color--primary-container: hsl(/*[[hue]]*/, 72%, 11%);
--gem-sys-color--on-primary: hsl(/*[[hue]]*/, 90%, 23%);
--gem-sys-color--on-primary-container: hsl(/*[[hue]]*/, 91%, 91%);
--gem-sys-color--secondary-container: hsl(/*[[hue]]*/, 72%, 11%);
--gem-sys-color--on-secondary-container: hsl(/*[[hue]]*/, 100%, 88%);
/*Saving time*/
--gem-sys-color--surface--rgb: var(--gem-sys-color--surface);
:root .dark-theme {
--bard-color-new-conversation-button: #0b0b0b; /*New Chat button*/
--bard-color-bot-power-up-button-background: #111; /*Back and Forward buttons*/
--bard-color-response-container-flipped-background: #111; /*Release Note Cards*/
/*Disables the Try Gemini Advanced button at the top,*/
upsell-button {
display: none;
/*Change to flex if you want it
Change to none if you don't want it */
/*Disables the location reminder in the sidebar*/
.location-icon {
display: none;
.location-footer-name {
display: none;
.location-footer-atl-text {
display: none;
.update-location-text {
display: none;
.location-buttons-dot {
display: none;
/*Change all of these to flex if you want it
Change all of these to none if you don't want it */
button {
font-family: Google Sans;
/*Ts ts ts ts pmo pmo pmo pmo (changes font for deep research option)*/