OLED dark theme for Google Search
google at night by zettaexa

LicenseNo License
Categorywww.google.com, google.com
Size5.1 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
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Use dark theme
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name google at night
@namespace github.com/zettaexa/userstyles
@version 1.0.0
@description makes google darker!!!!!
@author zetta
==/UserStyle== */
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background-color: #000; /*why does this exist*/
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background-color: #fff4;
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background-color: #111;
/* lens popout */
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background-color: #202020;
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background: #202020;
background-color: #000;
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background-color: #151515;
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background-color: #151515;
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background-color: #000000;
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background: #111;
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background: #111;