Complete, slick and decluttered Dark theme for with Ad-suppression since 2018. Designed to be easy on the eyes and fast. | Autoblog Dark by skilla
LicenseCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike autoblog
Size20 kB
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v2.62 | 2024-12-08
- Suppressed new 'NPM' header below the menu-bar; probably used for Ads that were still suppressed.
v2.61 | 2023-12-07
- Bugfix: Darkened Podcast iframe caused videos to be colour-inverted too; undid the v2.60 change.
v2.60 | 2023-11-19
- Styled the updated F1 Race Results Team-names properly.
- Darkened Podcast iframe.
v2.59 | 2023-06-13
- Styled the updated photo gallery.
v2.58 | 2022-10-19
- Supressed white block at the footer of article pages.
v2.57 | 2022-10-14
- Updated Ad-suppression on articles.
v2.56 | 2022-10-09
- Suppressed new Ad in main-page header.
v2.55 | 2022-09-14
- Suppressed new white background for 'Must login' box below articles when not logged on.
- Suppressed gray border below top-banner.
- Removed margin-fix for 'Mijn Autoblog' top menu item on the right, as it's now fixed by the site.
- Removed top-menu background-gradient; menu text looks a bit 'bolder' as a result.
- Removed transition-markup from scrollbar CSS.
v2.54 | 2022-07-02
- Added some red glow (text-shadow) to article links to make them stand out more.
v2.53 | 2022-06-15
- Fixed submenu font-size being too large.
v2.52 | 2022-01-27
- Updated 'spot' text-color for license-plate styling from white to black.
- Removed the hardcoded inline-style black borders from the 'spot' page photo gallery.
- Removed white border-line below site-header / above top menu-bar.
v2.51 | 2022-01-09
- Updated submenu, dropdown menu's and header styles to be fully compatible with new layout.
v2.50 | 2021-12-06
- Support for rebranded/restyled theming (new menu, pagination).
- Published theme to too.
For legacy release-changelogs, please check the details of this theme on
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Dark
@namespace USO Archive
@author Dawwwg
@description Modern, light-weight dark theme for with a decluttered design and easy on the eyes. <b>Features:</b> * Total dark make-over while respecting the original brand-styling. * A decluttered and more consistent layout; easy on the eyes. * Optimized primary-content width and font-styling for improved readability. * Round-borders, subtle shadows, transparency and a themed scrollbar make it more slick & modern looking. * Removes the large, redundant 'floormat' footer. * Effective Ad-suppression even without a dedicated Ad-Blocker plugin. * It does not block tracking, but does suppress the display of all Ads including Branded Content articles. <b>Note:</b> Moved to and Stylus as primary styler; this might not be the most recent version.
@version 20231004.10.14
@license CC-BY-SA-4.0
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Dark
@namespace USO Archive
@author Dawwwg
@description `Modern dark theme for For the best experience combine with the ' Dark' theme as both sites are part of the same 'network' and deeplink to eachother. <b>Features:</b>• Total dark make-over while respecting the original brand-styling.• A decluttered and more consistent layout; easy on the eyes.• Optimized primary-content width and font-styling for improved readability.• Round-borders, subtle shadows, transparency and a themed scrollbar make it more slick & modern looking.• Removes the large, redundant 'floormat' footer.• Effective Ad-suppression even without a dedicated Ad-Blocker plugin. It does not block tracking, but does suppress the display of all Ads including Branded Content articles.<b>Note:</b>Moved to and Stylus as primary styler; this might not be the most recent version.`
@version 20221014.19.48
@license CC-BY-SA-4.0
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Dark
@namespace USO Archive
@author Dawwwg
@description `Modern dark theme for For the best experience combine with the ' Dark' theme as both sites are part of the same 'network' and deeplink to eachother. <b>Features:</b>• Total dark make-over while respecting the original brand-styling.• A decluttered and more consistent layout; easy on the eyes.• Optimized primary-content width and font-styling for improved readability.• Round-borders, subtle shadows, transparency and a themed scrollbar make it more slick & modern looking.• Removes the large, redundant 'floormat' footer.• Effective Ad-suppression even without a dedicated Ad-Blocker plugin. It does not block tracking, but does suppress the display of all Ads including Branded Content articles.`
@version 20211206.10.15
@license CC-BY-SA-4.0
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
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