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Screenshot of - Dark Color Scheme



LicenseNo License

CategoryMozilla Bugzilla



Size3.7 kB


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Forces the native dark mode for Mozilla Bugzilla. The code is copied from their global.css file. The style applied is the same as the one that's applied when prefers-color-scheme is set to 'dark'.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Dark Color Scheme -
@version      20211208.22.36
@description  Forces the native dark mode for Mozilla Bugzilla. The code is copied from their global.css file. The style applied is the same as the one that's applied when prefers-color-scheme is set to 'dark'.
@author       idunno101
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {

@media all {
  :root {
    /** Accent Colors */
    --accent-color-red-1: 220, 40, 30;
    --accent-color-red-2: 255, 80, 80;
    --accent-color-green-1: 42, 186, 39;
    --accent-color-blue-1: 26, 168, 245;
    --accent-color-blue-2: 24, 151, 219;
    --accent-color-blue-3: 0, 122, 204; /* B 80% */
    --accent-color-blue-4: 0, 107, 179; /* B 70% */
    --accent-color-blue-5: 0, 77, 128; /* B 50% */
    --accent-color-lightyellow-1: 51, 37, 3;
    --accent-color-pink-1: 128, 64, 64;
    --accent-color-lightgreen-1: 64, 128, 64;
    --accent-color-wine-1: 50, 45, 64;
    --accent-color-purple-1: 200, 118, 255;

    /** App */
    --application-foreground-color: rgb(210, 211, 212);
    --application-background-color: rgb(30, 31, 32);

    /** Region */
    --primary-region-border-color: rgb(20, 21, 22);
    --primary-region-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(10, 11, 12, .5);
    --primary-region-background-color: rgb(40, 41, 42);
    --primary-region-header-background-color: rgb(50, 51, 52);
    --secondary-region-border-color: rgb(30, 31, 32);
    --overlay-background-color: rgba(10, 11, 12, .7);

    /** Label */
    --secondary-label-color: rgb(170, 171, 172);
    --tertiary-label-color: rgb(130, 131, 132);
    --inverted-label-color: rgb(60, 61, 62);

    /** Text */
    --secondary-text-color: rgb(150, 151, 152);
    --secondary-text-border-color: rgb(60, 61, 62);

    /** Control */
    --control-background-color: rgb(35, 36, 37);
    --control-border-color: rgb(60, 61, 62);
    --selected-control-background-color: rgb(60, 61, 62);
    --disabled-control-foreground-color: rgb(110, 111, 112);
    --scrollbar-color: rgb(70, 71, 72) var(--application-background-color);

    /** Button */
    --secondary-button-background-color: rgb(70, 71, 72);
    --secondary-button-border-color: rgb(70, 71, 72);
    --hovered-secondary-button-background-color: rgb(60, 61, 62);
    --pressed-secondary-button-background-color: rgb(40, 41, 42);
    --selected-button-foreground-color: rgb(60, 61, 62);
    --selected-button-background-color: rgb(180, 181, 182);

    /** Menu */
    --menu-box-shadow: 0 1px 12px rgba(10, 11, 12, .5);

    /** Grid */
    --grid-header-background-color: rgb(50, 51, 52);
    --grid-subheader-background-color: rgb(70, 71, 72);

  input[type="checkbox"]:checked {
    background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path fill="rgb(35, 36, 37)" d="M9 16.17L4.83 12l-1.42 1.41L9 19 21 7l-1.41-1.41z"/></svg>');

  input[type="checkbox"]:indeterminate {
    background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="rgb(35, 36, 37)" d="M19 13H5v-2h14v2z"/><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/></svg>');

  select:not([multiple]):not([size]) {
    background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="rgb(90, 91, 92)" d="M7.41 8.59L12 13.17l4.59-4.58L18 10l-6 6-6-6 1.41-1.41z"/><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z"/></svg>');


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