Hides a variety of things I don't like about twitter. Edit the code to your liking.
See also Twitter: Square everything
Twitter: Remove bullshit by technoabyss
LicenseNo License
Size2.0 kB
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/* ==UserStyle==
@name Twitter: Remove bullshit
@version 2024.07.22
@namespace userstyles.world/user/technoabyss
@description Hides a variety of things I don't like about twitter. Edit the code to your liking.
See also [Twitter: Square everything](https://userstyles.world/style/2557/twitter-square-everything)
@author chitinlink
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("twitter.com"), domain("x.com")
/* Left sidebar*/
[role="banner"] [role="heading"],
[aria-label="Search and explore"],
{ display: none }
/* Display ONLY search bar/profile media in right column */
{ visibility: hidden }
{ visibility: visible }
/* Set background of search to black */
{ background: #000 }
/* Get rid of gif search */
[aria-label="Add a GIF"]
{ display: none }
/* No trends or keywords in search */
/* Hide everything */
[aria-label="Search Twitter"] > .css-1dbjc4n:nth-of-type(2) > .css-1dbjc4n > .css-1dbjc4n
{ display: none }
/* Explicitly show accounts */
[aria-label="Search Twitter"] > .css-1dbjc4n:nth-of-type(2) > .css-1dbjc4n > .css-1dbjc4n:last-of-type
{ display: block }
/* Make left sidebar buttons take up full width of sidebar */
[aria-label="Primary"][role="navigation"] > * > div
width: 100%;
justify-content: left;
/* Disable all CSS transitions/animations and box-shadow */
* {
transition-duration: 0s !important;
transition-delay: 0s !important;
box-shadow: none !important;