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MHI Asana Custom by ronniefro



LicenseNo License




Size2.6 kB


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The base customization is from Asana Enhanced with some additional tweaks to hide unused rows in task creation (due date, assignee, etc).

Also hid create new conversation

More changes to come


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Asana Enhanced
@namespace      USO Archive
@author         seanfuture
@description    `Enables style upgrades for the latest version of Asana web desktop edition.  Enhancements include slim top nav bar, reduced set of left nav items, support for wider screens and streamlining of elements that typically go unused ( can disable style as needed in special situations ).`
@version        20190829.21.11
@license        CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
@preprocessor   uso
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {

/* MHI Custom start
/* Hide start conversation button */
.Omnibutton-dropdownButton.Omnibutton-addConversation {
    display: none;
/* Hide assignee in tasks */
.LabeledRowStructure.SingleTaskPaneFields-assigneeRow {
    display: none;
/* Hide due data row in tasks */
.LabeledRowStructure.SingleTaskPaneFields-dueDateRow {
    display: none;
/* Hide unused sidebar buttons */
.SidebarItemRow--heightLarge.SidebarItemRow--leftAlign.SidebarItemRow.SidebarTopNavLinks-goalsButton.BaseLink {
    display: none;
/* MHI Custom end

/* Provide slightly more space for tags to display */
.PotPillsContainer-potPillLink {
	max-width: 105px;

/* Disable invite component, reports and primary nav items outside of projects which are seldom used */
.TopbarPageHeaderGlobalActions-omnibutton {
/* 	display: none; */
/* Upshift favorite projects slightly */
.SidebarFavoritesAndMore {
	padding-top: 0 !important;

/* Increased width of grid listing for larger screens */
.PotListPage-gridPane {
	flex: 0 1 1290px;

/* Increased width of details pane for larger screens */
.PotListPage-detailsPane {
	min-width: 570px;
@media( min-width: 1450px ) {
	.PotListPage-detailsPane {
		min-width: 720px;

/* Hide typically unused project tab items */
.TabNavigationBar {
	display: none;

/* Project icon for slim top nav bar */
.ChipWithIcon {
	border-radius: 7px;
	height: 30px;
	width: 30px;

/* Slim top nav bar */
.TopbarPageHeaderStructure {
	height: 50px;

/* Enhanced search */
.TopbarSearchTypeahead-input:not(:focus) {
	background-color: #f8fafb;
	border-color: #e7edef;
	width: 320px;
	margin-right: 20px;

/* Shift project title down slightly */
.TopbarPageHeaderStructure-titleRow--withNav {
	margin-top: 8px;


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