VK You Closed Beta Test
VK You (Closed Beta) by mdude228
LicenseNo License
Size36 kB
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0.4788 0 0.7182 -0.0932 0.9012 a 0.855 0.855 90 0 1 -0.3736 0.3736 C 19.0152 19.665 18.7758 19.665 18.297 19.665 h -2.394 c -0.4788 0 -0.7182 0 -0.9012 -0.0932 a 0.855 0.855 90 0 1 -0.3736 -0.3736 C 14.535 19.0152 14.535 18.7758 14.535 18.297 z M 8.037 2.565 H 5.6037 c -0.2043 0 -0.4472 0 -0.6618 0.0171 c -0.2479 0.0205 -0.6036 0.0727 -0.9764 0.2625 a 2.565 2.565 90 0 0 -1.1209 1.1209 A 2.5787 2.5787 90 0 0 2.5821 4.9419 C 2.565 5.1565 2.565 5.4002 2.565 5.6037 V 8.0763 c 0 0.2043 0 0.4472 0.0171 0.6618 c 0.0205 0.2479 0.0727 0.6036 0.2625 0.9764 a 2.565 2.565 90 0 0 1.1209 1.1209 c 0.3728 0.1898 0.7285 0.242 0.9764 0.2625 c 0.2146 0.0171 0.4574 0.0171 0.6618 0.0171 H 8.0763 c 0.2043 0 0.4472 0 0.6618 -0.0171 c 0.2479 -0.0205 0.6036 -0.0727 0.9764 -0.2625 a 2.565 2.565 90 0 0 1.1209 -1.1209 c 0.1898 -0.3728 0.242 -0.7285 0.2625 -0.9764 c 0.0171 -0.2137 0.0171 -0.4574 0.0171 -0.6618 V 5.6037 c 0 -0.2035 0 -0.4472 -0.0171 -0.6618 a 2.5778 2.5778 90 0 0 -0.2625 -0.9764 a 2.565 2.565 90 0 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