/* ==UserStyle==
@name Schoology - SAGE
@namespace USO Archive
@author TheQueendomOfFaerie
@description `I fixed the blue text in this style by combining it with Schoology Flat Dark Mode, and then I just change the color of the text from there. All you have to do is go into the code for the dark mode and find the text color for the body on the home page. Then just change it to whatever color you want, but I did a grayish black. Also, I suggest you get adblocker plus from the chrome web store so random text and profile pictures don't ruin the color scheme. (the adblocker lets you block elements of a page, so they appear as if they were never there)
@version 20180819.0.38
@license CC0-1.0
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
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