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Just Dance Now 2021 Overhaul (Menu Assets Style Required) by ticpo

Screenshot of Just Dance Now 2021 Overhaul (Menu Assets Style Required)



LicenseNo License

Categoryjust dance



Size49 kB


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An overhaul of my original 2021 style, attempts to replicate a console feel for JDN!

Join my discord to report any bugs or give feedback on any of my styles!


Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
@-moz-document domain("") {
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Just Dance 2021 Revamped
@namespace    Ticpo
@version      1.1.45
@description  An overhaul for my 2021 style
@author       Ticpo
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
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    font-family: Just Dance !important;
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{font-family: "Just Dance";src: url('') format('woff');src: url('') format('woff2');}
.connect-phone-info, #players:before, .room-info__patch, .video-preview, .state-songselection .song-cover--low-res, .sprite, .song-grid--description, .song-grid--duration, .song__difficulty, .danceroom__qr-code-wrapper, .danceroom__label, .player-master, .player-flag, .controller-coins, .state-songselection .player-color, .player-exp, .reward__content:before, .reward__content:after, #afterdance:before, .coach:before, #players.finding-dancers, #players.removing-dancers, .tutorial:before, .tutorial:after, .platform, .tutorial__image, .tutorial__caption, .state-dance .avatar-wrapper, .exit-btn.exit-btn--play-again.exit-btn--animate, .star:before, .playlist-action__button, #afterdance .player:nth-child(2) .score.megastar:after, #afterdance .player:nth-child(3) .score.megastar:after, #afterdance .player:nth-child(4) .score.megastar:after, #afterdance .player:nth-child(2) .score.superstar:after, #afterdance .player:nth-child(3) .score.superstar:after, #afterdance .player:nth-child(4) .score.superstar:after
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{background-image: url( !important;}
#racetrack .star[data-visible="true"], #players .star, .score .stars .star, .state-songselection .star
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.highscore-display.megastar .score__stars .star, .score.megastar .stars .star, #racetrack.megastar .star[data-visible="true"], #players .player.megastar .star
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.highscore-display.superstar .score__stars .star, .score.superstar .stars .star, #racetrack.superstar .star[data-visible="true"], #players .player.superstar .star
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.state-songselection #players .player.controller
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.state-songselection #players .player
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.state-songselection #players
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.state-songselection #players
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.state-dance #players
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.state-dance .player-color
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.state-dance .dancercard
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.state-songselection #players, .state-dance #players
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.state-dance .dancercard .player-name
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.state-dance .player-name em
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.state-dance .dancercard .player-name em {
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.state-dance #players .player:nth-child(2)
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.state-dance #players .player:nth-child(3)
    left: 55%
.state-dance #players .player:nth-child(4)
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html:not(.ipad) .hud.beat > #players.animate .player-color 
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#players .stars {
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#players {
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    height: .4rem;
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    transform: rotate(13deg)
.state-songselection .player-name
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.state-songselection .player-name em
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.state-songselection .avatar-wrapper
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    color: #3165F4;
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    font-size: 35% !important;
    padding: 0 !important
.state-songselection #room-info
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    height: 100%;
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.state-songselection .song-cover
    width: 5.55em;
    height: 2...


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