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Just Dance Now Revamped! (Menu Assets Style Required) by ticpo

Screenshot of Just Dance Now Revamped! (Menu Assets Style Required)



LicenseNo License

Categoryjust dance



Size44 kB


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Pre-Release Build v1.0

Join my discord to report any bugs or give feedback on any of my styles!


Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         JDN Revamped
@namespace    Ticpo
@version      0.0.2
@description  Gives a overhaul while attempting to stick to the original JDN feel!
@author       Ticpo
==/UserStyle== */

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#afterdance .avatarFlag .avatar-wrapper
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#afterdance .coach
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.song-info .title
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.song-info .artist
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.coach-selection__bgImg img
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    font-family: Just Dance;
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.state-songselection .coach-selection
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{top: 25%} .coach__img
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} .coach__img
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} [data-id="2"]
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} [data-id="2"]
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} [data-id="3"]
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} .coach__img
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    font-family: Just Dance Regular

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.playlist:hover .playlist--img, .playlist-selected:hover .playlist--img
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    color: #4b494b !important

    font-family: Just Dance Regular;
    font-size: 60% !important;
    color: #89888a !important

.playlist-img-container .playlist--description
    display: none !important

    overflow: visible !important

    height: 80%;
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    top: 4%;
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    width: 160% !important;
    overflow: hidden !important;
    height: 23% !important;
    opacity: 0.6;
    transition: op...


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