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MDN - dark theme (Obsolete) by phammy

Screenshot of MDN - dark theme (Obsolete)



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(Obsolete, mdn now has a great built in dark theme) Dark theme for MDN Web Docs


Original boiler plate by grom (, Heavily Modified.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           MDN - dark theme
@version        1.0.0
@description    A new userstyle
@author         Me
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
html { background: #17171a !important; }
html > body, table, tbody, tr, td:not([style*="background"]), h1, h2, h3, ul, ol, li, dl, dt, dd, p, blockquote, q, cite, fieldset, form, label, iframe, header, main, footer, nav, article, section, caption, center, abbr, sub, sup, font, code,
/* images */ .lwrap { background: none !important; }
ul.technologies, .references-guides, .feedback {background-color: #111 !important;}
div, tt, a, span, img { background-color: transparent !important; }
#content, #tabzilla-panel, #toc, table.diff { background: #0f0f11 !important; border-radius: 12px}
option, kbd, pre, th, #main-header, .submenu, .from-search-toc { background: #181818 !important; }
.diff_add, .diff_sub, .diff_chg { background: #111 !important; }
mark, .warning { background: #933 !important; border-color: transparent !important; }
/* example; .experimental: */
.notice.experimental, .experimental, .draft, .overheadIndicator.draft { background: #332 !important; border-color: #664 !important; }
/* header search */ .search-wrap, .reviews, .warning-review, .note, /* Eyedropper */ .geckoVersionNote, /* nsILocalFile */ .geckoVersionHeading { background: #333 !important; border-color: #555 !important; }
/* example; obsolete content: */
.line-highlight { background: rgba(140,140,140,.2) !important; }
/* example: OR ./nsILocalFile */
div[style*="background: #dd0000;"] { background: #700 !important; } /* red: nonexistent */
div[style*="background: #00dd00;"] { background: #070 !important; } /* green: supported */
div[style*="background: #ff8000;"] { background: #f80 !important; } /* orange: deprecated */
div[style*="background: #eeee00;"] { background: #ff0 !important; } /* yellow: last changed */
* { color: inherit !important; border-color: #555 !important; text-shadow: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; }
html { color: #ccc !important; }
hr { height: 0 !important; border: 0 solid #555 !important; border-width: 1px 0 0 !important; }
a { color: #4be !important; }
a:hover { color: #7df !important; }
a:visited { color: #98f !important; }
a:visited:hover { color: #baf !important; }, .newpage { color: #f55 !important; } { color: #f77 !important; }
/* don't use .error, because of body.error */
dl, ul, ol { -moz-column-rule-color: #555 !important; }
::-moz-selection { background: #184880 !important; }
::selection { background: #184880 !important; }
input[type="submit"]:hover, input[type="button"]:hover, input[type="file"]:hover, input[type="reset"]:hover, button:hover
{ border-color: #158 !important; background-color: #158 !important; color: #fff !important; }
button, input, select, textarea { -moz-appearance: none !important; }
input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"] { color: #4be !important; background: #222 !important; border-color: #999 !important; }
input, select, textarea{ background: #181818 !important; color: #ccc !important;}
input[type] { border-width: 1px !important; border-style: solid !important; }
textarea:hover, input:hover, select:hover, textarea:focus, input:focus, select:focus { border-color: #09f !important; }
select > button, .search-wrap > input[type="search"] { background-color: transparent !important; border: none !important; }
option:hover, option:focus, option:active, option:checked { background: #158 !important; }
#wiki-left, #toc { opacity: .6 !important; }
#wiki-content img:not(:hover) { opacity: .7 !important; }
.cssprop { background: /*#320*/ #431 !important; border-left-color: #960 !important; }
:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"], pre[class*="language-"] { border-left-color: #158 !important; }
/* comments */ .token.comment, .token.prolog, .token.doctype, .token.cdata { color: #777 !important; }
/* blue */ .token.atrule, .token.attr-value, .token.keyword { color: #5bf !important; }
/* green */ .token.selector, .token.attr-name, .token.string { color: #5f5 !important; }
/* gray */ .token.punctuation,.token.operator { color: #fa0 !important; }
/* red/magenta */, .token.tag, .token.boolean, .token.number, .token.function { color: #f5f !important; }
span[title="Recommendation"] { color: #ccc !important; background: #262 !important; }
span[title="Working Draft"] { color: #ccc !important; background: #851 !important; }
span[title^="Editor's Draft"], span[title="Editor's Draft (unofficial)"] { color: #ccc !important; background: #933 !important; }
.inlineIndicator, .indicatorInHeadline, .blockIndicator, .overheadIndicator { background: none !important; }
.readOnly { background: #333 !important; color: #ccc !important; }
.unimplemented, .obsolete { background: #522 !important; color: #ccc !important; }
/* requires min version */ .minVer, .jsMinVer, .mbMinVer,
/* -moz-; -webkit- */ .prefixBox, /* requires Gecko x.y */ .standardNote, .optional, .renamed { background: #345 !important; color: #ccc !important; }
/* history */ .revision-list-controls:before { filter: invert(1); }
.diff_add { color: #7f7 !important; }
.diff_sub { color: #f77 !important; }
.diff_chg { color: #ff7 !important; }
a {color: #5ca0be !important}
.metadata {background: #222}
.search-button {display: none !important;}
.logo, .interactive {filter: invert(.9)}
.main-page-content {padding: 3rem;}
button::before {filter: invert(1) !important;}
#main-q {
    border-radius: 1px !important;
    transform: translateX(40px);



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