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Youtube My Theme+ by xyadx
Imported from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uso-archive/data/flomaster/data/usercss/206463.user.css

Size65 kB
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You can use your arrow keys to navigate the sliders and dropdowns(Stylus)
contact me iruna5654@gmail.com
Custom Layout Color
Custom Background Image and Color
Custom Font (woff, woff2 font file)
You can add custom name or text next to your avatar
Free Webfonts
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Youtube My Theme+
@namespace https://userstyles.world/user/xyadx
@author YAD
@description `Youtube My Theme+ By YAD`
@version 20220000.4.0
@preprocessor uso
@advanced dropdown yadbg "Background Image" {
1 "Default*" <<<EOT https://i.redd.it/y69ercliqi551.png EOT;
2 "Sky Blue" <<<EOT https://cdn.hipwallpaper.com/i/30/37/P0KZb6.jpg EOT;
3 "Pansy World" <<<EOT https://images.hdqwalls.com/download/planet-space-art-ka-3840x2400.jpg EOT;
4 "Nebula 4K" <<<EOT https://cutewallpaper.org/21/4k-purple-galaxy/54-Nebula-4K-Wallpapers-on-WallpaperPlay.jpg EOT;
5 "GX" <<<EOT https://images2.alphacoders.com/111/1116781.jpg EOT;
6 "Geo Node" <<<EOT https://images.hdqwalls.com/wallpapers/abstract-constellation-4f.jpg EOT;
7 "Hello Kitty" <<<EOT https://i.ibb.co/9phdZXR/Hello-Kitty.jpg EOT;
8 "Glowing Circle" <<<EOT https://i.ibb.co/bPyLsRF/wallpaper.png EOT;
9 "Cyber Alley" <<<EOT https://i.postimg.cc/KmKg9kdY/621238.jpg EOT;
10 "Circles Wave" <<<EOT https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp2835960.jpg EOT;
11 "Ancient Paper" <<<EOT https://media.giphy.com/avatars/nikola5654/98kFgmpKiqvH.jpg EOT;
12 "Dark Omen" <<<EOT https://i.ibb.co/gZwm5M2/master.png EOT;
yadbg-custom-dropdown "Custom" <<<EOT /*[[yadbg-custom]]*\/ EOT;
@advanced text yadbg-custom "Background Image (Custom)" "https://example.com/image.png"
@advanced dropdown yadbgblend "BG Blend Modes" {
1 "Normal*" <<<EOT normal EOT;
2 "Darken" <<<EOT darken EOT;
3 "Multiply" <<<EOT multiply EOT;
4 "Color Burn" <<<EOT color-burn EOT;
5 "Lighten" <<<EOT lighten EOT;
6 "Screen" <<<EOT screen EOT;
7 "Color Dodge" <<<EOT color-dodge EOT;
8 "Overlay" <<<EOT overlay EOT;
9 "Soft Light" <<<EOT soft-light EOT;
10 "Hard Light" <<<EOT hard-light EOT;
11 "Difference" <<<EOT difference EOT;
12 "Exclusion" <<<EOT exclusion EOT;
13 "Hue" <<<EOT hue EOT;
14 "Saturation" <<<EOT saturation EOT;
15 "Color" <<<EOT color EOT;
16 "Luminosity" <<<EOT luminosity EOT;
@advanced text secbg "2nd Background Image" "https://example.com/image.gif"
@advanced color yadbgc "Background Color" #0F0013
@advanced color yadtheme "Layout Color" #DB3975
@advanced color topicons "Header Icons Color" #FFFFFF
@var range trans 'Header Transparency' [22, 01, 99, 01, '']
@advanced color maintext "Text/Icons Color" #FFFFFF
@advanced color sectext "Inactive Color" #C3C3C3
@advanced color mylink "Link Color" #21ADD4
@advanced dropdown noglow "Box Glow" {
2 "ON*" <<<EOT 9px EOT;
1 "OFF" <<<EOT 0px EOT;
@advanced dropdown 3dpanel "3D Video Panel" {
1 "OFF*" <<<EOT X EOT;
2 "ON" <<<EOT y EOT;
@var range yadvpr 'Videos Per Row' [4,1,10,1,'']
@advanced dropdown yadpogi "Progress Bar Changing Color" {
2 "ON*" <<<EOT yadpogi EOT;
1 "OFF" <<<EOT off EOT;
@advanced dropdown sug "End Video Suggestions" {
1 "ON*" <<<EOT X EOT;
2 "OFF" <<<EOT 0 EOT;
@advanced dropdown textshadow "Text Shadow" {
1 "ON*" <<<EOT #000 EOT;
2 "OFF" <<<EOT #0000 EOT;
@advanced dropdown blender "Text Blend Modes" {
1 "Normal*" <<<EOT normal EOT;
2 "Darken" <<<EOT darken EOT;
3 "Multiply" <<<EOT multiply EOT;
4 "Color Burn" <<<EOT color-burn EOT;
5 "Lighten" <<<EOT lighten EOT;
6 "Screen" <<<EOT screen EOT;
7 "Color Dodge" <<<EOT color-dodge EOT;
8 "Overlay" <<<EOT overlay EOT;
9 "Soft Light" <<<EOT soft-light EOT;
10 "Hard Light" <<<EOT hard-light EOT;
11 "Difference" <<<EOT difference EOT;
12 "Exclusion" <<<EOT exclusion EOT;
13 "Hue" <<<EOT hue EOT;
14 "Saturation" <<<EOT saturation EOT;
15 "Color" <<<EOT color EOT;
16 "Luminosity" <<<EOT luminosity EOT;
@advanced dropdown myfont "Theme Font" {
1 "Default*" <<<EOT "Roboto","Arial",sans-serif EOT;
2 "Oxanium" <<<EOT Oxanium EOT;
3 "Carter One" <<<EOT Carter One EOT;
4 "Indie Flower" <<<EOT Indie Flower EOT;
5 "Comic Sans" <<<EOT Comic Sans MS EOT;
6 "Impact" <<<EOT Impact EOT;
7 "Shadows Into Light" <<<EOT Shadows Into Light EOT;
8 "Righteous" <<<EOT Righteous EOT;
9 "Lacquer" <<<EOT Lacquer EOT;
10 "Cinzel" <<<EOT Cinzel EOT;
11 "Rubik Iso" <<<EOT Rubik Iso EOT;
12 "Custom" <<<EOT myfont EOT;
@advanced text yadfont "Custom Font URL" "https://example.com/font.woff2"
@advanced text myname "Your Name" " "
@advanced dropdown myfontname "Your Name Font" {
1 "Bungeespice*" <<<EOT Bungeespice EOT;
2 "Arvo" <<<EOT Arvo EOT;
3 "Righteous" <<<EOT Righteous EOT;
4 "Rubikpuddles" <<<EOT Rubikpuddles EOT;
5 "Press Start" <<<EOT Press Start EOT;
6 "Monoton" <<<EOT Monoton EOT;
8 "Rubikdirt" <<<EOT Rubikdirt EOT;
9 "Rubik Iso" <<<EOT Rubik Iso EOT;
@advanced color yadbgchat "Live Chat Background" #4A4A4A
==/UserStyle== */
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