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Video Tweaker ⚙️ by xyadx

Screenshot of Video Tweaker ⚙️



LicenseCC BY-NC




Size2.5 kB


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Adds bunch of tweaks to a video


⏫"Detach video from container" This will help the scale/stretch/rotate option to pop the video out of the container may not work on every site or might show other stuff if turned ON😆
📳"Shake" simulates simple shaking, doesnt work with other transform settings.
🎛️"Force Native Controls" This will force the player to show the native contols🤷‍♂️ Might help in some sites.😜
◉this is a global userstyle so all videos will be affected by this style on any sites.
◉to use it for local files(videos on your drive but you play it on the browser) you should allow Stylus to have access to file URLs (go to extension and see Stylus details)

Buy Me a Coffee☕

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Video Tweaker
@version        1.7.4
@description    Tool for your Video
@author         YAD
@license        NO-REDISTRIBUTION
@preprocessor   stylus

@var range sat "🌈Saturation" [110,1,300,1,"%"]
@var range bri "💡Brightness" [110,1,300,1,"%"]
@var range con "🕶️ Contrast" [100,1,300,1,"%"]
@var range sep "🦉Sepia" [0,0,100,1,"%"]
@var range blu "👁️ Blur" [0,0,50,0.1,"px"]
@var range trX "↔️Stretch Horzontal" [1,0.1,3,0.1]
@var checkbox lin "⏹️Proportion Scale" 0
@var range trY "↕️Stretch Vertical" [1,0.1,3,0.1]
@var range rot "🔄Rotate Video" [0,0,360,30,"deg"]
@var checkbox fli "🔁Flip Video" 0
@var checkbox inv "🌓Invert Colors" 0
@var checkbox an1m "📳Shake" 0
@var checkbox force "🎛️Force Native Controls(Beta)" 0
@var checkbox ove "⏫Detach from Container(Beta)" 0
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp("https?://(?!(.*\\.excludedsite\\.com/)).*"), url-prefix("file:///") {
	// website to exclude from this script ⬆️

	video {
		if an1m { animation: shake 0.8s infinite; transform: }
		transform: rotate(rot) scaleX(trX) scaleY(trY)!important;
		filter: saturate(sat) brightness(bri) contrast(con) blur(blu) sepia(sep)!important;
		transition: 0.5s;
	// filters
		if fli { transform: rotate(rot) scaleX(trX) scaleY(trY) rotateY(180deg)!important; }
		if inv { filter: saturate(sat) brightness(bri) contrast(con) invert(1) blur(blu) sepia(sep)!important; }
		if lin { transform: rotate(rot) scaleX(trX) scaleY(trY) scaleX(trY) scaleY(trX)!important;
		if fli { transform: rotate(rot) scaleX(trX) scaleY(trY) scaleX(trY) scaleY(trX)  rotateY(180deg)!important; }
	// shaker
	@keyframes shake {
		10%, 90% { transform: translate3d(-1px, 0, 0); }
		20%, 80% { transform: translate3d(2px, 0, 0); }
		30%, 50%, 70% { transform: translate3d(-4px, 0, 0); }
		40%, 60% { transform: translate3d(4px, 0, 0); }
	// 2022
	// Created by YAD

	// detach beta
    if ove {
	div {
		text-transform: none;
		overflow: visible!important
    if force {
    video::-webkit-media-controls-panel { 
        display: block!important;
        z-index: 9999!important;
        position fixed!important;
        background: none;
        left: 0%;
        overflow: hidden;        



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