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Just Dance Now TV by ibratabian17

Screenshot of Just Dance Now TV



LicenseNo License

Categoryjust dance now



Size29 kB


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Pre-Release Build v1Ver3.29PtchID
Make your JDN Like A TV

Feature ?:
JD2019 PictoBeat
JD2019 Player's UI
Dynamic Backgorund
Have Unique Design
And Anymore

This Style Is Based From JDNowastic


1.3.29 :
Fixed Parsing

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Just Dance Now TV
@version        1.3.29
@description    A new userstyle
@author         Make your JDN Like A TV
==/UserStyle== */

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.state-afterdance #toast {
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#just-dance-now .tutorial::before {
    background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, rgb(4, 58, 91) 100%, rgb(255, 0, 191) 100%);

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    background-size: cover;
#preview[style="display: none;"] {
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#preview[style="display: none;"] .right-pane,
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#preview[style="display: none;"] .song-cover--hi-res,
#preview[style="display: none;"] .video-preview--visible {
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.playlist {
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ul.tabs li.selected::before,
#preview .song-details,
.room-info__patch::after {
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.song-grid--details .song-grid--titleDetails .song-grid--duration {
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.song-grid--details .song-grid--close {
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.songGrid .song--details {
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.section-grid-trainer {
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#section-songlist .trainer-grid {
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    position: relative;
#section-songlist .trainer-icon {
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.song--details {
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.title-container .caption.title {
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    height: 0.28rem;
    color: #d7d7d7;
.title-container .caption.artis...


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