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Dark-GitLab by vednoc

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Dark and light theme for GitLab and self-hosted GitLab instances.


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Source code

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Dark-GitLab
@description  Dark and light theme for GitLab and self-hosted GitLab instances.
@author       vednoc <> (
@preprocessor stylus
@version      2.0.0-rc.14
@license      MIT

@var select   cg_theme     'Base color-scheme toggle' {
    'Custom colors          *': 'custom',
    'Dark blue (old)         ': 'old-colors',
    'Dark gray (new)         ': 'new-colors',
    'Breeze Dark             ': 'breeze-dark',
    'GitHub Dark             ': 'github-dark',
    'GitHub Dark Mode        ': 'github-dark-mode',
    'Gruvbox Dark Soft       ': 'gruvbox-dark-soft',
    'Gruvbox Dark Medium     ': 'gruvbox-dark-medium',
    'Gruvbox Dark Hard       ': 'gruvbox-dark-hard',
    'Solarized Dark          ': 'solarized-dark',
    'Dracula                 ': 'dracula',
    'Nord Dark               ': 'nord-dark',
    'Arc Dark                ': 'arc-dark',
    'Moonlight               ': 'moonlight',
    'Monokai                 ': 'monokai',
    'Horizon                 ': 'horizon',
    'Doom One                ': 'doom-one',
    'Deep Dark               ': 'deep-dark',
    'Brave Dark              ': 'brave-dark',
    'Twilight                ': 'twilight',
    'Ubuntu                  ': 'ubuntu',

@var color    cg_bg        'Base background color' #292929
@var color    cg_fg        'Base foreground color' #e6e6e6
@var color    cg_ac        'Base accent color    ' #d47d3f
@var range    cg_sat       'Adjust saturation of syntax colors' [0, -50, 40, 0.01]
@var range    cg_lig       'Adjust lightness of syntax colors' [0, -30, 30, 0.01]
@var color    _inverse     'Button inverse color ' #ffffff
@var color    _shadow      'Shadow color         ' #00000040

@var checkbox pcs_enable 'Apply when `(prefers-color-scheme: dark)` is enabled' 0
@var text     ui_font    'Custom UI font' '"font_name"'
@var text     mono_font  'Custom mono font' '"font_name"'
@var text     emoji_font 'Custom emoji font' '"font_name"'
@var text     a_radius   'Avatars: Custom border radius' 25%
@var range    md_img_o   'Markdown: Default image opacity' [1, 0.0, 1, 0.01]
@var checkbox ic_invert  'Chromium: Invert icons in Shadow DOM' 1
@var checkbox img_invert 'Invert illustrations to dark colors' 1
@var checkbox nb_height  'Navbar: Increase height' 1
@var checkbox nb_canary  'Navbar: Show canary badge' 1
@var checkbox c_hl_none  'Code: Use theme colors for "none" syntax hl theme' 1
@var checkbox c_ide      'Code: Enable IDE styles' 1
@var checkbox c_monaco   'Code: Enable Monaco Editor styles' 1
@var checkbox pipelines  'CI/CD: Compact pipelines' 0
@var checkbox dgl_alert  'Profile: Enable Dark-GitLab announcements' 0
@var checkbox sb_enable  'Global: Enable theme scrollbars' 1
==/UserStyle== */

 * NOTE: Modifying the code will put auto-update feature of Stylus on pause in
 * order to preserve your local changes. That means you need to manually update
 * Dark-GitLab and re-do your modifications in order to stay up-to-date.
 * A way to add domains without modifying the code doesn't exist yet.
 * Relevant issue:
 * Make sure you have the latest version before submitting bug reports.

// {{{ Helpers.
t       = transparent
i       = !important
vendors = official

// Convert colors to HSLA format.
/// NOTE: This is done just for consistency of generated colors.
to_hsla(input) {
    $h = {}
    $h.hue = unquote(split('deg', '%s' % ceil(hue(input), 2))[0])
    $h.saturation = ceil(saturation(input), 2)
    $h.lightness = ceil(lightness(input), 2)
    s('hsla(%s,%s,%s,1)', $h.hue, $h.saturation, $h.lightness)

// SVG-friendly colors mixin.
/// NOTE: Compiler does not like HSLA format, so we convert back to HEX.
to_svg(input) {
    s('\%23%s', unquote(substr(s('%s', convert(input)), 1, 6)))

// Color mixin.
/// All colors: `c: fg bg bg`
/// Only border-color: `c: 0 bg`
c(x, y = 0, z = 0, xi = 1, yi = 1, zi = 1) {
    if x != 0 && x != '_' {            color: xi is 0 ? x : x i }
    if y != 0 && y != '_' {     border-color: yi is 0 ? y : y i }
    if z != 0 && z != '_' { background-color: zi is 0 ? z : z i }

// SVG mixin.
/// Same usage as `c` mixin.
g(x, y = 0, xi = 1, yi = 1) {
    if x != 0 && x != '_' {   fill: xi is 0 ? x : x i }
    if y != 0 && y != '_' { stroke: yi is 0 ? y : y i }

// Border radius mixin.
rad() { border-radius: arguments }

// Box-shadow mixin.
b() { box-shadow: arguments }
// }}}

/{ // {{{ Color generator.
// Color-scheme picker.
ColorSchemes = {
    'custom':                   { BG:   cg_bg, FG:   cg_fg, AC:   cg_ac }
    'old-colors':               { BG: #1f232a, FG: #eeeeee, AC: #7289da }
    'new-colors':               { BG: #292929, FG: #e6e6e6, AC: #d47d3f }
    'breeze-dark':              { BG: #232629, FG: #eff0f1, AC: #3daee9 }
    'github-dark':              { BG: #181818, FG: #e6e6e6, AC: #4f8cc9 }
    'github-dark-mode':         { BG: #0d1117, FG: #c9d1d9, AC: #58a6ff }
    'gruvbox-dark-soft':        { BG: #32302f, FG: #fbf1c7, AC: #d65d0e }
    'gruvbox-dark-medium':      { BG: #282828, FG: #fbf1c7, AC: #d65d0e }
    'gruvbox-dark-hard':        { BG: #1c2021, FG: #fbf1c7, AC: #d65d0e }
    'solarized-dark':           { BG: #03303c, FG: #bcc5c5, AC: #859900 }
    'dracula':                  { BG: #282a36, FG: #f8f8f2, AC: #bd93f9 }
    'nord-dark':                { BG: #2e3440, FG: #eceff4, AC: #5e81ac }
    'arc-dark':                 { BG: #343944, FG: #c1c8d1, AC: #5294e2 }
    'moonlight':                { BG: #1e2030, FG: #c8d3f5, AC: #82aaff }
    'monokai':                  { BG: #272822, FG: #e8e8e3, AC: #fd9720 }
    'horizon':                  { BG: #1c1e26, FG: #d5c1ac, AC: #E95378 }
    'doom-one':                 { BG: #21242b, FG: #bbc2cf, AC: #51afef }
    'deep-dark':                { BG: #111111, FG: #eff0f1, AC: #00adee }
    'brave-dark':               { BG: #222222, FG: #d6d6d6, AC: #f96234 }
    'twilight':                 { BG: #171717, FG: #f7f7f7, AC: #8f9d6a }
    'ubuntu':                   { BG: #2c071a, FG: #f2f1ef, AC: #ef7847 }

// Select active color-scheme.
for color-scheme in ColorSchemes {
    if (color-scheme == cg_theme) {
        // main { dbg: s('%s %s', color-scheme, cg_theme) }
        define('BG', ColorSchemes[color-scheme].BG, global)
        define('FG', ColorSchemes[color-scheme].FG, global)
        define('AC', ColorSchemes[color-scheme].AC, global)
        define('ac', var(--ac), global)

// Color values and hues.
// NOTE: List with anonymous hashes.
colors = (
    { key: bg, color:   BG } \
    { key: fg, color:   FG } \
    { key: v0, color:   AC } \
    { key: v1, hue:   0deg } \
    { key: v2, hue:  30deg } \
    { key: v3, hue:  60deg } \
    { key: v4, hue:  90deg } \
    { key: v5, hue: 180deg } \
    { key: v6, hue: 210deg } \
    { key: v7, hue: 270deg } \
    { key: v8, hue: 300deg } \
    { key: v9, hue:   0deg } \

// Alias colors.
$bg = colors[0]
$fg = colors[1]
// $dbg += '%s; %s; :::' % (($bg) ($fg))

// Generate background colors.
for num in 0..5 {
    $color = $bg.color
    if num == 1 {} // Skip base BG color.
    else if num == 0 { $color = darken($color, 10%) }
    else { $color = lighten($color, (num+2) * num/2%) }
    $color = to_hsla($color)

    $key = s('%s%s', $bg.key, num)
    $val = 'var(--%s-%s)' % (($bg.key) (num))
    define('$' + $key, $color, global)
    define('' + $key, $val, global)

// Generate foreground colors.
for num in 0..5 {
    $color = $fg.color
    if num == 1 {} // Skip base FG color.
    else if num == 0 { $color = lighten($color, 10%) }
    else { $color = darken($color, (num + num/1.25) * 5%) }

    $color = desaturate($color, 90%)
    $color = to_hsla($color)
    // $dbg += '--- FG: ' + $color

    $key = s('%s%s', $fg.key, num)
    $val = 'var(--%s-%s)' % (($fg.key) (num))
    define('$' + $key, $color, global)
    define('' + $key, $val, global)

// Generate all other colors.
for c, i in colors[2..length(colors)] {
    // $dbg += s('::: c: %s, i: %s; ', c, i )
    // if c.key == v9 { $dbg += s('::: c: %s, i: %s; ', c, i ) }
    $sel  = colors[i+2]
    $dbg += ' ' + $sel

    for num in 0..9 {
        /// Case for accent colors.
        if ($sel.key == v0) {
            $color = darken($sel.color, (80% - ((num + num/3) * 7.5)))
            $color = darken($sel.color, (100% - (num+3) * 7.5))
            $color = lightness($color, lightness($color) + num)

        /// Case for gray colors.
        else if ($sel.key == v9) {
            $color = hsl($sel.hue, 0%, 50% + cg_lig)
            $color = darken($color, (100% - (num+2) * 17))

        /// Case for RGB colors.
        else {
            $hue   = $sel.hue
            $color = hsl($hue, 60% + cg_sat, 60% + cg_lig)
            $color = darken($color, (100% - (num+2) * 7.5))
            $color = lightness($color, lightness($color) + num)

        /// Convert to HSLA format.
        $color = to_hsla($color)

        $key = s('%s%s', $sel.key, num)
        $val = 'var(--%s-%s)' % (($sel.key) (num))
        define('$' + $key, $color, global)
        define('' + $key, $val, global)
} /// }}}

@-moz-document domain('custom.domain'),


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