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Just Dance Now Fluent V2 by alxs

Screenshot of Just Dance Now Fluent V2



LicenseNo License

Categoryjustdancenow just dance now



Size286 kB


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Just Dance Now Fluent V2!

v2.5 final!


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Just Dance Now FluentV2
@version      20220213.14.36
@description  Just Dance Now Fluent V2!

v2.0.5 beta

@author       alxs
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

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	animation: startbeat 1s infinite

@keyframes startbeat
		filter: brightness(130%)

@keyframes LandingBeat
        transform: scale(0.7)
        transform: scale(0.68)
        transform: scale(0.7)
        transform: scale(0.7)

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    background: none

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#goldmove .layer.layer-1, #goldmove .layer.layer-2, #goldmove .layer.layer-3 {
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@keyframes LandingBeat
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#section-playlist .section-grid-trainer
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@keyframes SlideInTrainer1
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        opacity: 1

@keyframes SlideInTrainer2
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@keyframes songlistmove
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    color: #fff0
#players::before,  .controller-coins, .player-master, .state-songselection .player-color, .connect-phone-info.connect-phone-info--clickable.connect-phone-info--visible, .danceroom__qr-code-wrapper, .danceroom__label, .room-info__patch, #players.finding-dancers, #players.removing-dancers, .sprite, .coach::before, .state-coachselection .song-grid, .state-coachselection .song-details, .state-coachselection .song-action, .tutorial::before, .tutorial::after, .state-coachselection .highscore-display, .owner-name, .state-dance .avatar-wrapper, .state-dance .player-exp, .state-dance .player-flag, .platform, .caption.artist,  .song__decoration::after, .song-action__button::before, .song-action__button::after, .landing-circle, .landing__video, .landing-arrow.scroll_down, .landing-text__title, .landing-text__subtitle, .video-display::before, .logo, .songlist-container .song-grid--description, .song-grid--close, .song-grid--duration, .playlist--description, .playlist-action__button, .line::after, .article::before, .exit-btn.exit-btn--play-again.exit-btn--animate, .account, .landing-patch, .dr-landing__icon-wrapper, .main-header, .coach-selection__button::after, .coach-selection__button::before, .modal__link.openIframe, .item .song__difficulty, .state-songselection .feedback, .account, .side-nav
    display: none !important;

.exit-btn {
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#toast .avatar-wrapper
	left:20% !important;

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    color: #fff;
    z-index: 999999999999999 !important

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    left: -10%;
    top: -0.1rem !important

.concept, .steps__connect
    font-family: JD Regular !important

    color: #000;
    border: solid #89888a 0.035rem

    top: 15%;
    left: 70%;

    font-family: Just Dance Regular !important

    top: 50%;
    left: 9%;
    transform: scale(1.2);

.state-songselection #players .player.controller
  opacity: 1 !important;
  visibility: visible !important;
  display: block !important;
  z-index: 99999999999999999999;

.state-songselection #players .player
  opacity: 1;

    opacity: 0 

.state-songselection #players, .state-dance #players
    opacity: 1

.state-songselection #room-info
    opacity: 1;
    z-index: -99999999999999999999 !important



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