IAFD on large screen (1920x1080)...
- No Pubs
- Display More info in the window for less Scrolling
- Dark And Gray flavor
CategoryIAFD, Widescreen, Wide Screen, Dark And Gray
Size121 kB
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IAFD on large screen (1920x1080)...
You can find it too in:
IAFD - Widescreen DARK AND GRAY [GreasyFork]
Or if not logged:
IAFD - Widescreen DARK AND GRAY [SleazyFork]
You can add test its userscripts companions i made, some with IA Help:
Or if not logged:
X IAFD - Search Terms Reveal [SleazyFork]
What it does ?:
Reveal the Search field with the input visible, so you can see easily what you have typed or modify it.
What it does ?:
Reformat AKA list to have between each AKA a comma with space.
NEW in v.4:
Remove too, in each AKA list, Sites within parentheses in Actor, Search and Paring pages.
What it does ?:
Add a search filter for all the parings pages and for each section (Actors or Actress etc..).
IAFD Helper Userscript by PEOLIC
Its features:
Birthday: ISO-8601 standard (partial dates too, when possible)
Height: Highlight the centimeters value
AKA: Copy names button (removes everything in parentheses)
Legacy performer ID and listed gender
Legacy performer page link - /person.rme/perfid=CheriDeVille/gender=f/cherie-deville.htm (instead of .../id=)
Scene Breakdowns: View performers for each scene
Release Date: ISO-8601 standard
Internal Film ID
Legacy title page link - /title.rme/title=measuring+up/year=2013/measuring-up.htm (instead of .../id=)
Studios / Distributors:
Search field on selection pages
Button to export the list of scenes (CSV format)
Populate site search field on search results page
Link fixes (http:// -> https://)
Last Changes
/* ==UserStyle==
@name IAFD - Widescreen DARK AND GRAY v.57
@namespace iafd.com
@version 57.0
@author janvier56
@description CSS theme for a larger IAFD on large screen (1920x1080)...
@license unlicense
==/UserStyle== */
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/* ==== IAFD - Widescreen Dark And Gray v.57 (new57) - CSS NEW :HAS() - DEV CHROME - NEW DESIGN ==== */
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/* (new53) CSS NEW :HAS() - PEOLIC IDEA - Place NonSex performers after "Sex" performers + MALEs */
/* https://gist.github.com/peolic/9e2981a8a14a49b9626cb277f878b157 */
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/* Fade-out NonSex performers */
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/* (new5) SEARCH - REFINE SEARCH INPUT - === */
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/* (new53) COR FLOAT */
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