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Zoro Blue Theme by adap

Screenshot of Zoro Blue Theme



LicenseNo License



Size12 kB


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A (now Aniwatch) theme that changes the base site color to be blue rather than green.

Send Bugs or problems to Adap on Discord.


Releases! (I've done a lot of additions before but I wanted to start adding notes)

05/07/23: Added new domains

31/12/22: Reverted from Christmas UI and integrated the new live chat feature 

12/12/22: Minor Christmas UI fixes and additions

26/07/22: Added pseudo ad-block

17/07/22: Changed Watch2gether UI to be darker and nice on the eyes

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Zoro Blue Theme
@version      20230710.00.35
@description  A Theme that changes the base site color to be blue rather than green.

Send Bugs or problems to Adap#1320 on Discord.

@author       adap
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
/* Makes main zoro logos blue */
#header #logo
	height: 40px;
	width: 132px;
	background-image: url('') !important;
	background-size: cover;
	background-position: center center;
.livestream_body #header #logo
	height: 50px;
	width: 165px;
	background-image: url('') !important;
	background-size: cover;
	background-position: center center;
#mw-top .mwh-logo .mwh-logo-div
	height: 60px;
	width: 198px;
	background-image: url('') !important;
	background-size: cover;
	background-position: center center;
#footer .footer-logo
	height: 40px;
	width: 132px;
	background-image: url('') !important;
	background-size: cover;
	background-position: center center;
#discussion .d_w-icon
	height: 400px;
	width: 400px;
	background-image: url('') !important;
	background-size: cover;
	background-position: center center;
#footer .footer-logo img,
#header #logo img,
#mw-top .mwh-logo .mwh-logo-div img,
.add-manga .add-manga-icon img,
.cr-title .manga-icon img,
#discussion .d_w-icon img
	width: 0px !important;
	height: 0px !important;

/* Watch2Gether icon changes */,
.hst-icon > .zicon.zicon-live,
.hst-icon > .zicon.zicon-live:before,
	background-image: url('') !important;

/* Watch2Gether UI changes */
body.livestream_body #header,
body.livestream_body #search,
.premodal-newroom .modal-dialog .modal-content
	background: rgb(30, 31, 32) !important;
	background: rgb(16, 17, 18) url("") bottom center repeat-x !important;
.ls__-share .share-buttons.share-buttons-detail,
	background-color: rgb(18, 18, 18) !important;
	background: rgb(28, 28, 28);
.ls___-animeinfo .ls____-content
	background: rgb(26, 26, 26)
.ls___-chatbox .chatbox_wrap .chatbox_-input
	background: rgb(15, 15, 15)
.chatbox_-room .item.item-user,
.ls___-chatbox .chatbox_wrap .chatbox_-input .form-control-textarea
	background: rgb(40, 40, 40);
.ls___-chatbox .chatbox_wrap .chatbox_-input .form-control-textarea::placeholder,
.chatbox_-room .item.item-user,
.chatbox__-form .chatbox___-emo .cb-icon,
.ls___-chatbox .chatbox_wrap .chatbox_-input .chatbox__-btn .btn.btn-blank
	color: #e5f6ff;
.livestream_body #footer
	background: rgb(30, 31, 32);
	background: #111;
.live__-wrap .item .live-thumbnail
	background: #000;

/* Makes MangaReader icons blue and fixes positioning */
.add-manga .add-manga-icon
	height: 26px;
	width: 26px;
	background-image: url('') !important;
	background-size: cover;
	margin-right: 10px;
.cr-title .manga-icon
	height: 24px;
	width: 24px;
	background-image: url('') !important;
	background-size: cover;
	background-position: center center;
@media screen and (max-width: 1400px)
	.anis-watch-detail .anis-content .anisc-poster .add-manga .add-manga-icon
		height: 20px;
		width: 20px;
		left: 23.4px;
		position: relative;

/* When in full player mode one scroll fits the entire player *may vary for each user
If you have issues either delete this section or edit the padding so it is correct for you */
@media screen and (max-width: 1199px)
	.layout-page-watchtv .anis-watch-wrap
		padding-top: 38px !important;
/* For watch now button on higher zoom ( dosesn't work :( ) */
/* @media screen and (max-width: 1299px)
		display: unset !important;
		display: none;
} */
/* Random color changes to fit blue theme */
#header_menu ul.header_menu-list > a:before,
#header_menu .header_menu-sub ul.sub-menu li:hover a,
.pre-qtip-button .btn.btn-play,
#xsearch.home-search .search-content .search-submit,
#header .btn-on-header,
.search-content .search-result-pop .nav-bottom,
.pre-tabs-min .nav-item,
.pre-pagination .pagination .page-link,
.premodal .modal-content .close:hover, li a:hover, a,
.table_schedule .table_schedule-list li:hover .film-detail .fd-play .btn-play, .dt-status,
.table_schedule .table_schedule-date,
.ss-list .ssli-btn .btn.btn-circle,,
.hs-toggles .hst-item .toggle-onoff > span, >,
.trending-navi > div:hover,
.choose-type .pre-tabs-min .nav-item,
.chatbox_-room .item.item-mine:before,
.player-servers .ps_-status,
.ps__-list .item,
.avatar-list .item .checked,
#slider .sc-detail .scd-item .quality,
.toggle-onoff > span,
.nc-list .item.item-pin .is-pin,
	background: #3db4f2 !important;
.toggle-lang > span.en,
.livestream_body .block_area .block_area-header .bah-sort .bhsi-name,
.anw-tabs .nav-item
    background: #3db4f2;
} .ssl-item:visited
	background: #91adbd;
.pre-tabs-min .nav-item,
.screen-items .item:hover .icon-play
	background: #3db4f2 !important;
	border-color: #3db4f2 !important;
.block-rating .rating-result .progress .progress-bar,
#toast-container > div.toast-success,
.cb-li i,
.award-inner .ai_-tabs,
.loading > div
	background-color: #3db4f2 !important;
.premodal-manga .modal-content
	background: #35373d;
.highlight-text, i, i,
#header_menu ul.header_menu-list .nav-item:hover > a,
#xheader_menu ul.header_menu-list .nav-item > a:hover,
#header .btn-on-header:hover,
.dropdown-item-user .user-detail .name,
.header_right-user.logged .dropdown-menu .dropdown-item:hover, .hrn-icon,
.block_area .block_area-header .cat-heading,
.film-poster-ahref i,
.pre-pagination .pagination .page-item .page-link:hover,
#sidebar_menu .sidebar_menu-list > .nav-item > a.nav-link:hover,
.text-home a,
.noti-list .icon,
.deslide-item .desi-sub-text,
.anif-block .anif-block-header,
.anif-block-ul li,
.anif-block-ul li .film-fav:hover,
.anif-block-ul li .film-play:hover,
.cfc-min-block .cmb-item .btn-sm,
.table_schedule .table_schedule-list li:hover .time,
.table_schedule .btn-showmore:hover,
.ss-list .ssli-order, .highlight-text,
.nli-select .custom-select,
.stx-center .stx-title,
.zr-news .item .zrn-title:hover,
.news-article > .news-title,
.toggle-basic .tb-result,
.hs-toggles .hst-item .hst-icon i,
.new-noti-list strong.manga-name,
.new-noti-list .nnl-item.nnl-more:hover,
.new-noti-list .nnl-mark .btn-xs:hover,
.share-buttons .share-buttons-block .sbb-title span,
.screen-items .item:hover .sii-title,
.live__-wrap .item .live-info .owner .uc-info strong,
.live___-detail .film-name .ep-style,
.live_-start .ls__-tabs li,
.ls___-animeinfo .film-info .film-name .ep-style,
.ls___-detail .live-stats .item.item-online,
.chatbox_-room .item.item-mine .ic_text .name,
.ls___-player-cd .player-countdown .countdown-style,
.ls___-player .pc-share a,
.player-servers .ps_-block .ps__-title i,
.player-servers .ps_-block .small strong,
span#AddMalDiv #AddMal,
.dwl-ul .dwl-item .on-chapt a,
#discussion .pre-tabs .nav-item,
.rep-more .btn,
.ib-li .btn:hover,
.cw_l-line .ibody p a.tag-name,
.cw_l-line .ibody p a.player-time,
.os-list .title,
.trending-list .item .number span,
.t_c-chatlist .is-wrap .item > div.detail .options .btn,
.t_c-input .is-textarea .cb-icon,
.ss-list .ssli-detail .ep-name, .ss-list .ssl-item:hover .ssli-detail .ep-name
	color: #3db4f2 !important;
.pre-tabs .nav-item,
.premodal-manga .modal-content a:hover,
.pre-tabs .nav-item .nav-link:hover,
.wv .wv-ul .item .item-name a,
.wideview-grid .grid-item .item:hover .btn-blank,
.cd-article .cda-bottom .btn:hover,
.cd-article .cda-bottom,
.hr-community .btn i,
.nc-list .item, .nc-list .item a:hover,
.t_c-noti .is-reply .is-icon,
#top_chat .t_c-pin .is-pin .pin-text .sub .pin-name,
#room-detail .rd-anime span,
.ls___-detail .live-owner .user-created
	color: #3db4f2;
#discussion .pre-tabs .nav-item,
.wv-item .wv-loadmore .btn:hover,


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