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Dracula for Stack Overflow by wasi-master

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The Dracula color theme for the website Stack Overflow


Stack Overflow

Install with Stylus

Click the button below to install the theme directly if you have the stylus extension installed

Install directly with Stylus

Configuring the theme

This theme is highly configurable to your liking and the options are shown below. These settings can be configured by pressing the cogwheel icon next to the name of the theme


For more information about configuration and settings please see

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Dracula for Stack Overflow
@namespace      dracula/stackoverflow
@version        1.0.0
@description    Dark mode for StackOverflow
@license        MIT License
@author         Wasi Master
@preprocessor   stylus

@var select    accent-color       "Accent Color"        ["red:Red", "green:Green", "cyan:Cyan", "orange:Orange", "pink:Pink", "purple:Purple*", "yellow:Yellow", "white:White", "comment:Comment Color"]
@var select    button-text-color  "Button Text Color"   ["white:White", "black:Black*", "gray:Gray"]
@var checkbox  rounded-corners    "Rounded corners"     0
@var checkbox  custom-hljs-css    "Custom HighlightJS"  1   
@var text      code-font          "Code Font"           ui-monospace,"Cascadia Mono","Segoe UI Mono","Liberation Mono",Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,monospace
@var text      sans-font          "Sans Font"           -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI","Liberation Sans",sans-serif
@var text      serif-font         "Serif Font"          Georgia,Cambria,"Times New Roman",Times,serif
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
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    Base Colors
    ========================================================================== */
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    /* ==========================================================================
    Custom Fonts
    ========================================================================== */
    body {
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    /* ==========================================================================
    CSS Fixes
    ========================================================================== */
     * For places that have a backgorund color
    .s-post-summary--stats .s-post-summary--stats-item.has-answers.has-accepted-answer,
    .status.answered-accepted, .status.answered-accepted .mini-counts, .status.answered-accepted .minicounts span,
    .show-votes .sidebar-linked .spacer>a:first-child .answer-votes.answered-accepted, .show-votes .sidebar-related .spacer>a:first-child .a...


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