Skip to content on glass by osirisgothra

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LicenseShare Alike, Creative Commons



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universal glass for startpage lovers!

my scratch-new glass style, defaults to purple-ish dark
configure your own via the first group (color controllers)

see file for details


read file for details

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name on glass
@version      20220319.16.45
@description  universal glass for startpage lovers!

my scratch-new glass style, defaults to purple-ish dark
configure your own via the first group (color controllers)

see file for details
@author       osirisgothra
@license      Share Alike, Creative Commons
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
/*                                                                                                                                                                                         /* startpage on glass
 by Gabriel Sharp
release (pre) 0.1 update#1
warning: this is the first part of this version
many things may not be working yet, as I just threw
it together when i had some time today.

to use, you can change the predefined color variables below
anything else probably isnt worth messing with, if it was it
would be moved to the vars section

todo: add image/video/news and front pages
      maybe do footer glass(?)/float if it seems wanted
      maybe do root texture 
      maybe do more counters

 * ps: suggestions gladly heard at my e-mail!

updates: #first update: added front page and completed much of the grunt work
                        added rest of footer to (hopefully) match colors of theme, or lack of colors :)
                        added support for ukraine support, well, more like i am supporting it more than ::before (bad pun i know)
                        officially usable now! but not tested outside desktop version
                       update notes: not tested outside desktop, language EN_us, or outside of dark mode (its intended for dark mode users, btw)

non-darkmode users if u want it let me know
or, if you have added it in, submit a pull request!

thats all for now!
happy tweaking

	--gradients: section;
	--g1: #b0b0b0;
	--g2: #9c9c9c94;
	--g3: #c0c0c00f;
	--g4: #000000e3;
	--ga: 155.1deg;
	--general-colors: section;
	--headings: #2b2b2b;
	--headingsmain: #0f0f0f;
	--results: #191919;
	--buttonface: #232323;
	--buttontext: white;
	--activebuttonface: #838383;
	--activebuttontext: #c6c6c6;
	--linktext: #afafaf;
	--activelink: rgb(213, 213, 213);
	--activebg: #fff;
	--activetx: #000;
#search-filter-family > form > button > span::before
	background: transparent linear-gradient(var(--ga),var(--g1),var(--g2),var(--g3)) !important;
#search-filter-family > form > button > span::after
		background: transparent linear-gradient(var(--ga),var(--g1),var(--g3),var(--g4)) !important;
div.privacy-please__container *
	transition: all 1s ease;
	opacity: 0.5;
div.privacy-please__container *:hover
	transition: all 1s ease;	
	opacity: 1;
div.inline-nav-menu-container form  button
	color: var(--activebuttontext) !important;
	border-color: var(--activebuttonface) !important;
div.inline-nav-menu-container form  button:hover
	color: var(--linktext) !important;
	background: none var(--headingsmain) !important;	
	opacity: 55%;
	background: none var(--headings) !important;
	background: none transparent !important;
	padding: 0px;
	margin: 0px;
	background-color: var(--headings)  !important;	
	border-color: var(--headingsmain);
#search input
	color: var(--activebuttontext) !important;
	border-color: var(--activebuttontext) !important;

/* The [X] and [Magnifying Glass, O_] icon buttons
   This is temporary, i will probably make my own in the future out of the --gX parameters and such
button[aria-label="Startpage Search"]
	opacity: 0.7;
	filter: saturate(0);
	background: none var(--results) !important;
	border-radius: 12px;
	padding: 12px;
.pagination button
	border-color: var(--buttontext) !important;
	background-color: var(--buttonface) !important;
	color: var(--buttontext) !important;
	counter-increment: np;
.pagination .num--active
	counter-increment: np;
	background-color: var(--activebuttonface) !important;
	border-color: var(--activebuttontext) !important;
	color: var(--activebuttontext) !important;

	background: transparent linear-gradient(var(--ga),var(--g1),var(--g2),var(--g3)) !important;
	border-radius: 12px;	

	color: var(--linktext) !important;	

.w-gl__result:hover, .w-gl__result:hover *
	color: var(--activetx) !important;
	background-color: var(--activebg) !important;
	counter-increment: nr;

/* hopefully these will enfilter the below colors with opacity 0.7 and saturation down
   allowing the colors below to show through, this might get changed in the future but
   it reduces the workload for now
	opacity: 0.7;
	backdrop-filter: saturate(0) !important;
div.icon-container div
	opacity: 0.7;
	filter: saturate(0) !important;
/* relevant section end: "hopefully thes..."" */

	background: none var(--headings) !important;	
	z-index: 999 !important;

.footer__container p
	color: var(--headingsmain) !important;
	display: block !important;

.w-gl:hover:after { opacity: 18% !important; transition: all 1s ease; }
	transition: all 1s ease;
	counter-increment: np;
	--bg_icon_size: 100px;
	content: counter(nr) " result(s) in " counter(np) " page(s)";
	filter: saturate(0);
	/*background-image: url("");	*/
	background-size: var(--bg_icon_size);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	position: absolute !important;
	display: block !important;
	opacity: 4%;
	top: 0px !important;
	left: -100px !important;
	width: var(--bg_icon_size) !important;
	height: var(--bg_icon_size) !important;	
	z-index: 99;
	font-size: 6px;
	font-style: oblique;
	padding-top: 12px;
	text-align: left;
	color: var(--buttontext) !important;
	text-shadow: var(--activetx)  4px 4px 2px !important;



@-moz-document url("") {
	font-family: "Segoe UI";
	font-weight: bolder;
	font-style: oblique;
	background: linear-gradient(var(--ga),var(--g1),var(--g3));
	filter: hue-rotate(115deg) saturate(0.25) sepia(0.1) blur(1px);
	color: transparent;
	text-shadow: var(--g1) 2px 2px 4px;
	/*NOTE: xxx large is not standard but it DOES still work for most browsers! */
	font-size: xxx-large;
	font-feature-settings: initial;
	font-stretch: extra-expanded;
	content: "Startpage on Glass";	
	height: 100px !important;
	width: 100px !important;
	top: 10px;
	left: 10px;
	z-index: 999;
	background-image: none !important;
	height: 5px;
	overflow: hidden;
	margin: -1px;
	font-size: xx-small;
	content: "Alpha Test Version 0.01a";
	margin: 0px !important;
	color: var(--headingsmain) !important;

	color: var(--activetx) !important;
	background-color: var(--headings) !important;

	background-color: var(--headingsmain) !important;	

/* UKRAINE STUFF IS COLOR-INDEPENDANT, NO VARS NEEDED HERE ---------------------------------------*/


	background-image: linear-gradient(blue,blue 49%,yellow 51%,yellow 100%) !important;
	/*background-color: var(--headings) !important;*/
	opacity: 0.06125;
	transition: all 1s ease-out;
	font-size: medium !important;	
	opacity: 1;
	background-image: linear-gradient(blue,cyan  49%,yellow 51%,lemonchiffon 100%) !important;
	transition: all 1s linear;
	font-size: x-large !important;

content: "SPOG style agrees with the fact that";



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