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Roblox Thanksgiving 2011 Theme by jovadinodev

Screenshot of Roblox Thanksgiving 2011 Theme



LicenseNo License




Size16 kB


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Source code

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Roblox Thanksgiving 2011
@namespace      USO Archive
@author         FatMonsterIsEatin
@description    `<pre>How to uninstall / turn off:I really can't tell whether the revamped extension has a crap UI or the end user is at fault. It appears it's easier to leave a bad review than it is to uninstall it lolNavigate to the ROBLOX website > Click the Stylish extension icon > Click "Installed" > Find ROBLOX 2011 Remastered > Click the bin to delete, or the switch to temporarily disable.</pre><p>Alright lads - I've decided to redo this style from the ground up, and given my lazy efforts & the amount of bugs present in this version, we're back in alpha. I thought I'd release something <i>at least</i> usable while I'm in a state between actually doing it and giving up again.</p><p><b>Do not ask me to create more 'old-style' themes for ROBLOX, it's too much work.</b> - When ROBLOX update things on their side, I have to fix issues that may appear on each and every theme just to keep you guys happy. I simply do not have the time.</p>`
@version        20200131.6.48
@license        NO-REDISTRIBUTION
@preprocessor   uso
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain(""), domain(""), domain("") {
- - - Do not reupload unmodified/modified versions of this source. - - -

| - - -
|  If you would like to make an addition/change to this style (e.g. themes / fixes), please enable it in your browser & create a new style specifically to commit changes to this one.
|  e.g.
|  If you were only changing rules for #container-main, your style will only feature #container-main w/ relevant rules.
| - - -
|  Upon release, please instruct users to install & enable this style prior to installing & enabling your own. 
|  If you want to create your own version of 2011 from the ground up, assuming you know what you're doing, go for it lol 
| - - -
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