A script to make Amazon.com instantly load shipping indicators
ASIFBOI - Amazon Shipping Indicators for The Busy or The Impatient by wrapfield
![Screenshot of ASIFBOI - Amazon Shipping Indicators for The Busy or The Impatient](https://userstyles.world/preview/3693/0.jpeg)
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Amazon.com taking multiple seconds to show you what stage of shipping your package in was very annoying to me, so I make a tweak to disable all that I could with CSS.
You can also change the color of the progress bar.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@namespace amazon.com
@version 0.9.9
@description Amazon Shipping Indicators for The Busy or The Impatient
@author Wrapfield
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("amazon.com") {
ASIFBOI - Amazon Shipping Indicators for The Busy or The Impatient
Licensed under 0BSD license. Originally written by Wrapfield.
--barspeed: 0ms; /* Change the loading time in milliseconds */
--shippingindicator: #1196AB; /* Bonus feature! Change the color of the bar. */
IMPORTANT: if you figure out a way to skip the extra time it takes for each box to check, let me know right away. I want to make it completely instant instead of just a way shorter time,
div.pt-status-milestone-bar-progress {
transition-duration: var(--barspeed)!important;
div.pt-status-milestone-marker {
transition-duration: var(--barspeed)!important;
div.pt-status-milestone-marker-check {
transition-duration: var(--barspeed)!important;
div.pt-status-milestone-label {
transition-duration: var(--barspeed)!important;
.status-card .pt-status-milestones .pt-status-milestone .pt-status-milestone-bar .pt-status-milestone-bar-progress {
background-color: var(--shippingindicator);
.pt-status-milestone-marker.active {
background-color: var(--shippingindicator)!important;