Wide and Dark and Gray theme for large screen (1920x1080) ONLY...
Compact and reorganized:
More infos in the window with less scroll.
NameThatPornStar / NameThatPorn - Widescreen Dark and Gray v.4 by janvier56

LicenseNo License
Categorywidescreen, wide screen, darck and gray, adulte, porn
Size45 kB
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GM "Linkify Plus Plus"
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name NameThatPornStar / NameThatPorn - Widescreen Dark and Gray v.4
@namespace namethatpornstar.com
@version 4.0.0
@author janvier56
@description Compact Wide And Dark and Gray theme for large screen (1920x1080) ONLY...
@homepage https://greasyfork.org/fr/users/7434-janvier56
@include https://namethatporn.com/*
@include https://namethatpornstar.com/*
@license unlicense
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