Dark and light, very customizable theme for WhatsApp.
Dark-WhatsApp by vednoc
Imported and mirrored from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vednoc/dark-whatsapp/master/wa.user.styl

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Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Dark-WhatsApp
@description Dark and light, very customizable theme for WhatsApp.
@namespace github.com/vednoc/dark-whatsapp
@homepageURL https://github.com/vednoc/dark-whatsapp
@supportURL https://github.com/vednoc/dark-whatsapp/issues
@author vednoc <vednoc@pm.me> (https://github.com/vednoc)
@version 3.7.2
@license MIT
@preprocessor stylus
@var select theme 'Base color-scheme toggle' {
'Custom colors *': 'custom',
'Dark blue (old) ': 'old',
'Dark gray (new) ': 'new',
@var color _bg 'Base background color ' #1f232a
@var color _fg 'Base foreground color ' #eeeeee
@var color _ac 'Base accent color ' #7289da
@var range _bg_a 'Adjust background color tones' [0, -25, 25, 0.1, '%']
@var range _fg_a 'Adjust foreground color tones' [0, -25, 25, 0.1, '%']
@var range _ac_a 'Adjust accent color tones ' [0, 0, 25, 1, '%']
@var range _sc_a 'Adjust syntax color tones ' [0, 0, 25, 1, '%']
@var text ui_font 'UI font' ''font_name''
@var text app_width 'App width' 1396px
@var checkbox fullscreen 'Fullscreen mode' 0
@var checkbox compact 'Compact mode' 1
@var text compact_mw 'Compact mode breakpoint' 720px
@var text compact_hi 'Compact mode hover-on delay' 0.6s
@var text compact_ho 'Compact mode hover-off delay' 1.2s
@var select app_alerts 'Alerts' {
'Show all *': 'show ',
'Hide "Allow notifications" ': 'notifications ',
'Hide all ': 'hide ',
@var checkbox app_header 'Consistent drawer headers' 1
@var text radius_m 'Rounded corners for menus' 4px
@var text radius_i 'Rounded corners for input area' 24px
@var range radius_a 'Rounded corners for avatars' [50, 0, 50, 1, '%']
@var select app_image 'App background' {
'Theme image with 12px blur *': 'bg-high ',
'Theme image with 6px blur ': 'bg-low ',
'Theme image without blur ': 'bg-none ',
'Custom background image ': 'custom ',
'Default background ': 'default ',
'None ': 'none ',
@var text image_url 'App background image link' url('https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1434569117012-ce134ee1a088?fit=crop&w=1280&h=720&q=80')
@var range bg_opacity 'App background image opacity' [0.4, 0.0, 1, 0.01]
@var range bg_blur 'App background image blur size' [0, 0, 50, 1, 'px']
@var range bg_hue 'App background image hue' [320, 0, 360, 1, 'deg']
@var range bg_invert 'App background image invert colors' [0, 0.0, 1, 0.01]
@var text bg_size 'App background image size' cover
@var text bg_pos 'App background image position' center
@var text bg_rep 'App background image repeat' no-repeat
@var select tail_style 'Style for message bubble tails' {
'Default *': 'default ',
'Minimal ': 'minimal ',
'Rounded ': 'rounded ',
@var range emoji_o 'Emoji opacity' [0.8, 0.0, 1, 0.01]
@var range emoji_b 'Reduce big emoji size' [48, 20, 48, 4, "px"]
@var checkbox emoji_a 'Animate emojis' 1
@var text emoji_k 'Emojis with kiss animation' "'💋'"
@var text emoji_p 'Emojis with pulse animation' "'🤩' '😍' '☺️' '❣️' '♥️' '❤️'"
@var checkbox ow_ack 'Override seen message icon color' 0
@var color _ack 'Seen message icon color' #ff6666
@var checkbox ow_sys_msg 'Override system message background color' 0
@var color sys_msg_bg 'System message background color' #364462
@var checkbox ow_imsg 'Override incoming message bubble color' 0
@var color _imsg 'Incoming message bubble color' #16191e
@var checkbox bubble_in 'Swap sides for incoming message bubbles' 0
@var checkbox ow_omsg 'Override outgoing message bubble color' 0
@var color _omsg 'Outgoing message bubble color' #3b4250
@var checkbox bubble_out 'Swap sides for outgoing message bubbles' 0
@var checkbox chat_h_p_p 'Hide profile pictures' 0
@var checkbox chat_b_c 'Blurred contacts' 0
@var checkbox chat_b_img 'Blurred media' 0
@var text chat_b_in 'Blurred media hover-on delay' 0.4s
@var text chat_b_out 'Blurred media hover-off delay' 0.2s
@var checkbox chat_bg 'Chat background image' 1
@var text chat_image 'Chat background image link' url('https://web.whatsapp.com/img/bg-chat-tile_9e8a2898faedb7db9bf5638405cf81ae.png')
@var range chat_bg_o 'Chat background image opacity' [0.15, 0.0, 1, 0.01]
@var range chat_bg_iv 'Chat background image inverted colors' [0.6, 0.0, 1, 0.01]
@var text chat_bg_s 'Chat background image size' initial
@var text chat_bg_p 'Chat background image position' top left
@var text chat_bg_r 'Chat background image repeat' repeat
@var color _red 'Base red color ' #f07178
@var color _orange 'Base orange color ' #f78c6c
@var color _yellow 'Base yellow color ' #ffcb6b
@var color _green 'Base green color ' #c3e88d
@var color _cyan 'Base cyan color ' #89ddff
@var color _blue 'Base blue color ' #82aaff
@var color _magenta 'Base magenta color ' #c792ea
@var color _violet 'Base violet color ' #9a91ea
@var color _white 'White color ' #ffffff
@var color _sh 'Shadow color ' #00000025
==/UserStyle== */
// Color mixin.
/// All colors: `c: fg1 bg5 bg1`
/// Only border-color: `c: 0 bg5`
c(x, y = 0, z = 0, xi = 1, yi = 1, zi = 1) {
if x != 0 && x != '_' { color: xi is 0 ? x : x i }
if y != 0 && y != '_' { border-color: yi is 0 ? y : y i }
if z != 0 && z != '_' { background-color: zi is 0 ? z : z i }
// Raw RGB mixin.
/// Convert RGBA (if t = 1) or HEX to raw rrr-ggg-bbb format.
to_rgb(input, t = 0) {
if (t) {
unquote(substr(join(',', slice(split(',', s('%s', input)), 0, -1)), 5))
} else {
unquote(slice(s('%s', rgba(input, 0)), 5, -3))
// Raw RGBA mixin.
/// Combine `*-rgb` vars and alpha value.
to_rgba(input, alpha) {
unquote(s('rgba(var(--%s-rgb), %s)', unquote(input), alpha))
// SVG-friendly colors mixin.
to_svg(input) {
s('\%23%s', unquote(substr(s('%s', input), 1, 6)))
// Rounded corners mixin.
rad() { border-radius: arguments }
/// Remove old browser prefixes.
vendors = official
/// Feat -> Base color-scheme toggle. #32
if (theme == 'custom') {
BG = _bg
FG = _fg
AC = _ac
} else if (theme == 'old') {
BG = #1f232a
FG = #eeeeee
AC = #7289da
_red = #f07178
_orange = #f78c6c
_yellow = #ffcb6b
_green = #c3e88d
_cyan = #89ddff
_blue = #82aaff
_magenta = #c792ea
_violet = #9a91ea
} else if (theme == 'new') {
BG = #292929
FG = #e6e6e6
AC = #d47d3f
_red = #f2777a
_orange = #f99157
_yellow = #ffcc66
_green = #99cc99
_cyan = #66cccc
_blue = #6699cc
_magenta = #cc99cc
_violet = #aa99cc
/// Helpers.
t = transparent
i = !important
BA = _bg_a
FA = _fg_a
AA = _ac_a
SA = _sc_a
IM = _imsg
OM = _omsg
// Color generator.
/// NOTE: Scope the variables to avoid potential conflicts.
g = global
/// Color generator rules.
if (dark(BG)) {
a1 = (AA + 15); a2 = (AA + 30); a3 = (AA + 45); a4 = (AA + 65); a5 = (AA + 75)
s1 = (SA + 15); s2 = (SA + 30); s3 = (SA + 45); s4 = (SA + 65); s5 = (SA + 75)
b1 = (BA + 10); b2 = (BA - 05); b3 = (BA - 10); b4 = (BA - 15); b5 = (BA - 20)
f1 = (FA - 10); f2 = (FA + 10); f3 = (FA + 20); f4 = (FA + 30); f5 = (FA + 40)
} else {
a1 = (AA + 15); a2 = (AA + 30); a3 = (AA + 45); a4 = (AA + 65); a5 = (AA + 75)
s1 = (SA + 15); s2 = (SA + 30); s3 = (SA + 45); s4 = (SA + 65); s5 = (SA + 75)
b1 = (BA - 10); b2 = (BA + 08); b3 = (BA + 16); b4 = (BA + 24); b5 = (BA + 32)
f1 = (FA - 05); f2 = (FA - 10); f3 = (FA - 15); f4 = (FA - 20); f5 = (FA - 30)
/// Feat -> Colors for message bubbles.
ig_quote = dark(IM) ? -10% : 25%
og_quote = dark(OM) ? -10% : 25%
/// Generate tones for base colors.
C = {
bg: {
'0': darken(BG, b1),
'1': darken(BG, 0%),
'2': darken(BG, b2),
'3': darken(BG, b3),
'4': darken(BG, b4),
'5': darken(BG, b5),
fg: {
'0': darken(FG, f1),
'1': darken(FG, 0%),
'2': darken(FG, f2),
'3': darken(FG, f3),
'4': darken(FG, f4),
'5': darken(FG, f5),
ac: {
'0': mix(darken(BG, 0%), AC, 0%),
'1': mix(darken(BG, 40%), AC, a1),
'2': mix(darken(BG, 40%), AC, a2),
'3': mix(darken(BG, 40%), AC, a3),
'4': mix(darken(BG, 65%), AC, a4),
'5': mix(darken(BG, 50%), AC, a5),
ig: {
'0': IM,
'1': darken(IM, ig_quote),
og: {
'0': OM,
'1': darken(OM, og_quote),
b1: {
'0': spin(_red, 0deg - 0%)
'1': spin(_red, 15deg - s1)
'2': spin(_red, 30deg - s2)
'3': mix(darken(BG, 20%), _red, s3)
'4': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _red, s4)
'5': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _red, s5)
b2: {
'0': spin(_orange, 0deg - 0%)
'1': spin(_orange, 15deg - s1)
'2': spin(_orange, 30deg - s2)
'3': mix(darken(BG, 20%), _orange, s3)
'4': mix(dark...