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[Moodle] Emokimay Dark Theme [] by liylukgfuydhflduyfluyfsdyfu

Screenshot of [Moodle] Emokimay Dark Theme []



LicenseCC Zero




Size838 kB


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[Moodle] Dark Theme for

Based on ADMU Moodle Night Mode and Moodle-Dark, thank you!


Easy method:

  1. Download Stylus extension for your browser Chrome/Firefox
  2. Visit this page and click Install.

Manual method:

  1. Clone 'dark-moodle.css'
  2. Download Stylus extension for your browser Chrome/Firefox
  3. Click on extension icon
  4. Click 'Manage'
  5. At the left sidebar click 'Export'
  6. Find 'dark-moodle.css' file and export it.
  7. Toggle switch ON

Optional (more compatability)

  1. Go to Preferences -> Edit profile -> General -> Prefered Theme
  2. Select 'Boost'
  3. Enjoy.

Author: Sevastian Zare

License: CC0 - Public Domain

Created: April 4, 2022 22:20


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         [Moodle] Emokimay Dark Theme []
@version      20220405.18.25
@description  Dark theme for

If you don't do yourself this, no one will.

Based on ADMU Moodle Night Mode, thank you Deion Menor.
@author       liylukgfuydhflduyfluyfsdyfu
@license      CC0 - Public Domain
==/UserStyle== */

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