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Google Variety 2022 by thepajlok

Screenshot of Google Variety 2022







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Google search with daily wallpapers from .
And slight modifications to some of the google elements.


2022 Update
Currently only images from working. I've added some semi-transparent things and nice blurred background behind some fields.

---------- Change log ----------

  • Centered search results
  • Centered menus, header and other bars
  • Small re-design user-popup menu
  • Added blur for some fields
  • Minor fixes


  • added style for Google Graphics
  • fix minor bugs

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Google Variety 2022
@version      20220405.13.02
@description  Google search with daily wallpapers from .
And slight modifications to some of the google elements.
@author       thepajlok
@license      CC-BY-NC-SA
==/UserStyle== */

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        animation: fade 0.8s;
    body, br, form, span, img, p, textfield, input {
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    /*google image*/
    .rg_el {
        animation: zoomCenter 0.6s!importan...


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