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Lookmovie Modern Overhaul by angyalkence

Screenshot of Lookmovie Modern Overhaul



LicenseCC 2023 István Dósa




Size18 kB


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A cleaner, modern approach for Lookmovie fine-tuned to the newest UI trends


03.18.23: One minor fix

Styled an element of the error reporting form

03.16.23: One minor fix

Styled the LQ (SD resolution) quality tag, which has been accidentally overlooked until today

02.06.23: Adjustments, bugfixes

Styled the captions settings menu
Fixed a bug on the categories dropdown menu

02.05.23: Initial release

Fixed every known bug
Enhanced performance

Pre-02.05.23: Public Beta versions

Development phase with no stable version released

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Lookmovie Modern Overhaul
@version      03.18.23
@description  A cleaner, modern approach for Lookmovie fine-tuned to the newest UI trends
@author       angyalkence
@license      CC 2023 István Dósa
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain(""), domain("https://lookmovie[0-9]+\\.xyz/.*"), regexp("https://lmplayer[0-9]+\\.xyz/.*"), regexp("https://.*\\.monster/.*") {
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.top-search__inner-wrapper:active {
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.controls input {
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.controls input:active {
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header .nav > li > a.loginLink {
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header .nav > li > a.loginLink:hover {
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header .nav > li > a.loginLink:active {
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.vjs-track-setting > select:hover, .vjs-text-track-settings fieldset span > select:hover, .vjs-track-settings-controls .vjs-default-button:hover, .vjs-track-settings-controls button:hover {
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.vjs-track-setting > select:active, .vjs-text-track-settings fieldset span > select:active, .vjs-track-settings-controls .vjs-default-button:active, .vjs-track-settings-controls button:active {
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.vjs-track-setting > select:focus, .vjs-text-track-settings fieldset span > select:focus, .vjs-track-settings-controls .vjs-default-button:focus, .vjs-track-settings-controls button:focus {
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option {
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.dropdown-menu {
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header .navbar-default .navbar-nav .dropdown .dropdown-menu.level1 {
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.top-search__list {
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.top-search__item:not(.total):hover {
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} {
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.form-style-1 input:active, .form-style-1 select:active {
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hr {
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.title-hd-sm {
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h2 {
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.form-control:focus {
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header .dropdown-menu > li > a {
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header .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover {
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.slide-item__legend {
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.movie-issue-content textarea {
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.movie-issue-content #userEmail {
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.submit:hover {
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.redBtnSquare, .movie-issue-content button, .overlay .login-content button {
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.rc-anchor-light {
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.rc-anchor-light.rc-anchor-normal, .rc-anchor-light.rc-anchor-compact {
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.redBtnSquare:hover, .movie-issue-content button:hover, .overlay .login-content button:hover {
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	border: #de2239;
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.hero:before {
	background-image: linear-gradient(-180deg, rgba(36, 36, 36, 0), #141414);
.movie-list-detailed {
	box-shadow: none;
	border-radius: .5rem;
	transition: .2s;
	background: #333;
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}, .movie-list-detailed:hover {
	transform: scale(1.01);

.movie-item-style-2 .mv-item-infor h6 a {
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	transition: .4s;

.movie-item-style-1:hover h6 a {
	color: #FFF;

.movie-items .movie-item:hover h6 a {
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.owl-theme .owl-dots .owl-dot span {
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.owl-theme .owl-dots span, .owl-theme .owl-dots .owl-dot:hover span {
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.title-hd a.viewall:hover {
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.title-hd a.viewall:active {
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.image__placeholder {
	border-radius: 0.5rem;

.lozad {
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	transition: .4s;

.item__image.owl-lazy {
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	transition: .4s;

.item__image.owl-lazy:hover {
	filter: blur(100px);

.image__placeholder {
	transition: .4s;

.image__placeholder:hover {
	filter: blur(100px);

.item__image:hover {
	filter: blur(100px);

.quality-tag {
	border-radius: .5rem 0 0 0;

.quality-tag, .movie-item-style-2 .year, .movie-item-style-2 .rate, .hd-quality.quality-tag, .sd-quality.quality-tag {
	background-color: #1E1E1E;
	/*background-color: #1E1E1EC4;*/
	background-image: url(,h_600,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/grain.png);
	/*backdrop-filter: blur(2rem) s...


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