Just fixes the pages so they dont flicker due to transitions.
This is needed to make it compatible with dark mode and some other styles, but also fixes vanilla pages too.
Just removes transitions and animations
and augments labels and links
thats all
notes not needed
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name fix gfx flicker and trash on bethesda.net (removes animations/transitions and augments links and chk/radio labels)
@version 20220410.17.56
@namespace userstyles.world/user/osirisgothra
@description Just fixes the pages so they dont flicker due to transitions.
This is needed to make it compatible with dark mode and some other styles, but also fixes vanilla pages too.
Just removes transitions and animations
and augments labels and links
thats all
@author osirisgothra
@license public domain share alike fallback
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("bethesda.net") {
*:hover, *
animation: none !important;
transition: none !important;
a:hover, label:hover
text-shadow: rgba(255, 228, 228) 2px 2px 8px !important;