fix your comment-as icon when using experimental dark mode - fix your comment-as icon when using experimental dark mode, mode #1 by osirisgothra

Licensepublic domain share alike fallback dark mode chrome/chromium/edge and browsers using the chromium engine
Size2.5 kB
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See source on how to use in other specific dark modes
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name - fix your comment-as icon when using experimental dark mode, mode #1
@version 20220411.12.28
@description fix your comment-as icon when using experimental dark mode
@author osirisgothra
@license public domain share alike fallback
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
/* - fix your comment-as icon when using experimental dark mode, mode #1
by Gabriel Sharp <>
public domain/sa
<<this template was generated by template-manager v1.20a by osirisgothra, to remove this text you can disable banners in the template manager settings or use (showbanner=no) in your template>>
<<templatename:generic-quick-css.css date:4112022 vars:hasroot=no,genericheader,showbanner=yes>>
Comes pre-set to mode 1, if you are using a different dm mode, you can copy and
paste the line above (just the text AFTER the #mode = ) and paste it where it says
to below:
values per mode
#1 = filter: invert(1) saturate(.4) brightness(1.35) contrast(0.85) hue-rotate(180deg) !important;
#2 = filter: invert(1) saturate(.5) brightness(1.5) contrast(0.5) hue-rotate(180deg) !important;
#3 = filter: invert(1) saturate(.25) brightness(1.75) contrast(0.25) hue-rotate(180deg) !important;
#4 = filter: invert(1) saturate(1) brightness(1) contrast(1) hue-rotate(180deg) !important;
#5 = filter: invert(1) saturate(.4) brightness(1.35) contrast(0.85) hue-rotate(0deg) !important;
#6 = filter: invert(1) saturate(.5) brightness(1.5) contrast(0.5) hue-rotate(0deg) !important;
#7 = filter: invert(1) saturate(.25) brightness(1.75) contrast(0.25) hue-rotate(0deg) !important;
#8 = filter: invert(1) saturate(1) brightness(1) contrast(1) hue-rotate(0deg) !important;
.c-comment-textarea figure img
this is where you paste your mode, one mode only!
if you want to change modes, remove the one thats here first, OR,
make sure the mode you want is on the LAST line. You could use // to
comment them out but that is really not a good idea, // is a misused commenter
and should be avoided! Some css preprocessors wont even allow it anymore! So
if you plan to comment them out, use the /star comment star/ format instead!
paste your mode between here: */
/* #1 = */ filter: invert(1) saturate(.4) brightness(1.35) contrast(0.85) hue-rotate(180deg) !important;
/* :and here */