A collection of small tweaks for various CAPTCHA services or websites with built in CAPTCHAs that changes the wording of the CAPTCHA label from "robot" to "spam-bot"- or whatever you like.
Originally created with alterhuman people in mind, specifically those whose identities involve being robots, for whom said CAPTCHA labels could cause discomfort.
This style will be updated as I encounter new CAPTCHAs in the wild.
If you want to change "spam-bot" to something else, you'll have to do so manually in each section within the content variables.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Nonhuman-Friendly CAPTCHAs
@namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus
@version 1.4.0
@description Small tweaks for various CAPTCHA services that changes the label wording from "robot" to "spam-bot"- or whatever you like.
@author orniidiien
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("hcaptcha.com") {
div#label {
visibility: hidden;
position: relative;
div#label:before {
visibility: visible;
position: fixed;
content: "I am not a spam-bot";
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.google.com/recaptcha") {
.rc-anchor-checkbox-label {
visibility: hidden;
position: relative;
.rc-anchor-checkbox-label:before {
visibility: visible;
position: fixed;
content: "I'm not a spam-bot"
@-moz-document url-prefix(https://www.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/api2) {
.rc-anchor-checkbox-label {
visibility: hidden;
position: relative;
.rc-anchor-checkbox-label:before {
visibility: visible;
position: fixed;
content: "I'm not a spam-bot"
@-moz-document domain("discord.id"), domain("id.nerrix.ovh") {
#captchaElem > .frc-container > .frc-content > .frc-text {
visibility: hidden;
position: relative;
#captchaElem > .frc-container > .frc-content > .frc-text:before {
visibility: visible;
position: fixed;
content: "Anti Spam-Bot Verification";