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Xenon-136 Luogu by hadtsti

Screenshot of Xenon-136 Luogu



LicenseNo License




Size35 kB


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众所周知Xenon Luogu是唯一可以兼容洛谷皮肤的样式
而这是一个Xenon Luogu的加强版,增加了去除广告以及透明化功能,建议配合洛谷皮肤随机美图使用。

2022.5.14 更新3.1.0版,修复了一个显示BUG
2022.5.18 更新3.1.4版,修复了另一个显示BUG


与Xenon Luogu使用方法一致

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Xenon-136 Luogu
@namespace      USO Archive
@author         Hadtsti
@description    Xenon Luogu的加强版,增加了去除广告功能及透明化;Xenon-136是氙的分子量最大的常见同位素,其半衰期达2.165*10^21年,寓意着本样式经久不衰,在原版基础上再创辉煌
@version        3.1.4
@license        CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
@preprocessor   uso
@advanced color primarycolor "Main color" #0080FF
@advanced color othercolor "Other color" #5D00BA

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