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Show deleted messages plugin by kodingcangaroo



LicenseNo License



Size235 kB


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It shows deleted messages, Simple as that!


I didn't originally make this, I just copied the code and transfered it to stylus so you can use it online without betterdiscord and the discord app.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Show deleted messages plugin
@version      20220501.02.27
@description  It shows deleted messages, Simple as that!
@author       kodingcangaroo
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
@if (@_jscript)
  // Offer to self-install for clueless users that try to run this directly.
  var shell = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell');
  var fs = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
  var pathPlugins = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%APPDATA%\\BetterDiscord\\plugins');
  var pathSelf = WScript.ScriptFullName;
  // Put the user at ease by addressing them in the first person
  shell.Popup('It looks like you\'ve mistakenly tried to run me directly. \n(Don\'t do that!)', 0, 'I\'m a plugin for BetterDiscord', 0x30);
  if (fs.GetParentFolderName(pathSelf) === fs.GetAbsolutePathName(pathPlugins)) {
    shell.Popup('I\'m in the correct folder already.\nJust go to settings, plugins and enable me.', 0, 'I\'m already installed', 0x40);
  } else if (!fs.FolderExists(pathPlugins)) {
    shell.Popup('I can\'t find the BetterDiscord plugins folder.\nAre you sure it\'s even installed?', 0, 'Can\'t install myself', 0x10);
  } else if (shell.Popup('Should I copy myself to BetterDiscord\'s plugins folder for you?', 0, 'Do you need some help?', 0x34) === 6) {
    fs.CopyFile(pathSelf, fs.BuildPath(pathPlugins, fs.GetFileName(pathSelf)), true);
    // Show the user where to put plugins in the future
    shell.Exec('explorer ' + pathPlugins);
    shell.Popup('I\'m installed!\nJust go to settings, plugins and enable me!', 0, 'Successfully installed', 0x40);
@else @*/
// extra TODOs:
// special edited message
// modal for checking which servers/channels/users are blacklisted/whitelisted
// option to show all hidden
if (!globalThis.jQuery) globalThis.jQuery = class JQuery { }; // zere bad lol
module.exports = class MessageLoggerV2 {
  getName() {
    return 'MessageLoggerV2';
  getVersion() {
    return '1.7.55';
  getAuthor() {
    return 'Lighty';
  getDescription() {
    return 'Saves all deleted and purged messages, as well as all edit history and ghost pings. With highly configurable ignore options, and even restoring deleted messages after restarting Discord.';
  load() { }
  start() {
    let onLoaded = () => {
      try {
        if (!global.ZeresPluginLibrary || !(this.localUser = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStore.getCurrentUser())) setTimeout(onLoaded, 1000);
        else this.initialize();
      } catch (err) {
        ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.stacktrace(this.getName(), 'Failed to start!', err);
        ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.err(this.getName(), `If you cannot solve this yourself, contact ${this.getAuthor()} and provide the errors shown here.`);
        XenoLib.Notifications.error(`[**${this.getName()}**] Failed to start! Try to CTRL + R, or update the plugin, like so\n![image](`, { timeout: 0 });
    this.pluginDir = (BdApi.Plugins && BdApi.Plugins.folder) || window.ContentManager.pluginsFolder;
    this.__isPowerCord = !!window.powercord && typeof BdApi.__getPluginConfigPath === 'function' || typeof global.isTab !== 'undefined';
    let XenoLibOutdated = false;
    let ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated = false;
    if (global.BdApi && BdApi.Plugins && typeof BdApi.Plugins.get === 'function' /* you never know with those retarded client mods */) {
      const versionChecker = (a, b) => ((a = a.split('.').map(a => parseInt(a))), (b = b.split('.').map(a => parseInt(a))), !!(b[0] > a[0])) || !!(b[0] == a[0] && b[1] > a[1]) || !!(b[0] == a[0] && b[1] == a[1] && b[2] > a[2]);
      const isOutOfDate = (lib, minVersion) => lib && lib._config && && && versionChecker(, minVersion) || typeof global.isTab !== 'undefined';
      const iXenoLib = BdApi.Plugins.get('XenoLib');
      const iZeresPluginLibrary = BdApi.Plugins.get('ZeresPluginLibrary');
      if (isOutOfDate(iXenoLib, '1.3.35')) XenoLibOutdated = true;
      if (isOutOfDate(iZeresPluginLibrary, '1.2.28')) ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated = true;

    if (!global.XenoLib || !global.ZeresPluginLibrary || global.DiscordJS || XenoLibOutdated || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated) {
      this._XL_PLUGIN = true;
      if ("undefined" != typeof global.isTab) return;
      const a = !!window.powercord && "function" == typeof BdApi.__getPluginConfigPath,
        b = BdApi.findModuleByProps("openModal", "hasModalOpen");
      if (b && b.hasModalOpen(`${}_DEP_MODAL`)) return;
      const c = !global.XenoLib,
        d = !global.ZeresPluginLibrary,
        e = c && d || (c || d) && (XenoLibOutdated || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated),
        f = (() => {
          let a = "";
          return c || d ? a += `Missing${XenoLibOutdated || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated ? " and outdated" : ""} ` : (XenoLibOutdated || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated) && (a += `Outdated `), a += `${e ? "Libraries" : "Library"} `, a
        g = (() => {
          let a = `The ${e ? "libraries" : "library"} `;
          return c || XenoLibOutdated ? (a += "XenoLib ", (d || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated) && (a += "and ZeresPluginLibrary ")) : (d || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated) && (a += "ZeresPluginLibrary "), a += `required for ${} ${e ? "are" : "is"} ${c || d ? "missing" : ""}${XenoLibOutdated || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated ? c || d ? " and/or outdated" : "outdated" : ""}.`, a
        h = BdApi.findModuleByDisplayName("Text"),
        i = BdApi.findModuleByDisplayName("ConfirmModal"),
        j = () => BdApi.alert(f, BdApi.React.createElement("span", {
          style: {
            color: "white"
        }, BdApi.React.createElement("div", {}, g), `Due to a slight mishap however, you'll have to download the libraries yourself. This is not intentional, something went wrong, errors are in console.`, d || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated ? BdApi.React.createElement("div", {}, BdApi.React.createElement("a", {
          href: "",
          target: "_blank"
        }, "Click here to download ZeresPluginLibrary")) : null, c || XenoLibOutdated ? BdApi.React.createElement("div", {}, BdApi.React.createElement("a", {
          href: "",
          target: "_blank"
        }, "Click here to download XenoLib")) : null));
      if (global.XenoLib && global.ohgodohfuck) return;
      if (!b || !i || !h) return console.error(`Missing components:${(b ? "" : " ModalStack") + (i ? "" : " ConfirmationModalComponent") + (h ? "" : "TextElement")}`), j();
      class k extends BdApi.React.PureComponent {
        constructor(a) {
          super(a), this.state = {
            hasError: !1
          }, this.componentDidCatch = a => (console.error(`Error in ${this.props.label}, screenshot or copy paste the error above to Lighty for help.`), this.setState({
            hasError: !0
          }), "function" == typeof this.props.onError && this.props.onError(a)), this.render = () => this.state.hasError ? null : this.props.children
      let l = !!global.DiscordJS,
        m = !1;
      const n = b.openModal(c => {
        if (m) return null;
        try {
          return BdApi.React.createElement(k, {
            label: "missing dependency modal",
            onError: () => (b.closeModal(n), j())
          }, BdApi.React.createElement(i, Object.assign({
            header: f,
            children: BdApi.React.createElement(h, {
              size: h.Sizes.SIZE_16,
              children: [`${g} Please click Download Now to download ${e ? "them" : "it"}.`]
            red: !1,
            confirmText: "Download Now",
            cancelText: "Cancel",
            onCancel: c.onClose,
            onConfirm: () => {
              if (l) return;
              l = !0;
              const c = require("request"),
                d = require("fs"),
                e = require("path"),
                f = BdApi.Plugins && BdApi.Plugins.folder ? BdApi.Plugins.folder : window.ContentManager.pluginsFolder,
                g = () => global.XenoLib && !XenoLibOutdated ? (BdApi.isSettingEnabled("fork-ps-5") || BdApi.isSettingEnabled("autoReload")) && !a ? void 0 : void BdApi.showToast("Reload to load the libraries and plugin!") : void c("", (c, g, h) => {
                  try {
                    if (c || 200 !== g.statusCode) return b.closeModal(n), j();
                    d.writeFile(e.join(f, "1XenoLib.plugin.js"), h, () => {
                      (BdApi.isSettingEnabled("fork-ps-5") || BdApi.isSettingEnabled("autoReload")) && !a || BdApi.showToast("Reload to load the libraries and plugin!")
                  } catch (a) {
                    console.error("Fatal error downloading XenoLib", a), b.closeModal(n), j()
              !global.ZeresPluginLibrary || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated ? c("", (a, c, h) => {
                try {
                  if (a || 200 !== c.statusCode) return b.closeModal(n), j();
                  d.writeFile(e.join(f, "0PluginLibrary.plugin.js"), h, () => { }), g()
                } catch (a) {
                  console.error("Fatal error downloading ZeresPluginLibrary...


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