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Custom Dark Google by PlutoMonkey by plutomonkey

Screenshot of Custom Dark Google by PlutoMonkey



LicenseCC BY-NC



Size237 kB


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2022-05-13 Changed some colors for

2022-05-05 Edited some colors for for better visibility

2022-05-03 Removed CSS for since using their native dark theme will look better for some emails

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Custom Dark Google by PlutoMonkey
@version      20220815.21.37
@description  my own updated and customized version based off of <a href="">Google - Clean Dark</a>
@author       plutomonkey
@license      CC BY-NC
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document regexp("https?://(www|encrypted|images|translate|accounts|books|photos).google.(com|([a-z]{2}))(.[a-z]{2})?/(?!mobile|flights|intl|alerts|finance|calendar|nexus|contacts|services|voice|business|maps|dashboard|settings|android|adsense|analytics|doodles|chrome|fonts|patents|translate_p|recaptcha).*") {
/*** Main page ***/
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/* Doodles */
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/* Topbar */
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#gb#gb a.gb_g {
/* Search */
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.w8qArf .fl,
a .zTpPx {
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/* Account info & settings */
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.gb_ka, .gb_Fb, .VmOpGe {
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.gb_Z:hover a {
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.zW5vrf .to0cd {
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#gbwa > div.gb_Kc > div.gb_pb, #gbw > div > div > div.gb_yc.gb_xg.gb_R > div.gb_Hc.gb_3c.gb_R.gb_Ic.gb_g > div.gb_Kc > div.gb_pb, #gbw > div > div > div.gb_yc.gb_xg.gb_R > div.gb_hb.gb_3c.gb_xg.gb_R.gb_g > div.gb_Kc.gb_jb.gb_xg.gb_R > div.gb_pb {
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#gbwa > div.gb_Kc > div.gb_qb, #gbw > div > div > div.gb_yc.gb_xg.gb_R > div.gb_Hc.gb_3c.gb_R.gb_Ic.gb_g > div.gb_Kc > div.gb_qb, #gbw > div > div > div.gb_yc.gb_xg.gb_R > div.gb_hb.gb_3c.gb_xg.gb_R.gb_g > div.gb_Kc.gb_jb.gb_xg.gb_R > div.gb_qb {
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/*** Notifications ***/
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#gbsfw.gb_Ic {
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/*** Search page ***/
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.sfbg {
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.bclEt, .F3p6q, .cROF7c, .VJwspe, .ikb4Bb {
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.rsj3fb, .OZ8wsd {
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.BfIAp {
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.flyr-o, .flyr-w {
    background-color: transparent!important;
/* Search tools */
#hdtb, #hdtb.hdtba #hdtbMenus {
    background: #252525!important;
    border-bottom: 1px solid...


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