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Discogs Dark Ultimate by stormi

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Screenshot of Discogs Dark Ultimate







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Dark redesign for - I also created a different style as an "addon": try it!


Check out my other "Dark" styles:
Global dark style
Yandex Images
and more...

  • Changelog:

2023-10-20: Few fixes for some ongoing changes to the website. Not optimized for the "new artist page beta" yet
2022-05-02: Few fixes for some ongoing changes to the website. Still a bit messy...
2021-08-19: Few fixes for the updated website. Still needs a lot of work...
2018-01-05: Small fixes...
2017-05-30: More updates :)
2017-05-21: Minor changes
2015-07-07: Some fixes...
2014-11-14: Updated for new image-slideshow, minor changes...
2014-04-25: Minor changes...
2013-11-05: Fixed thumbnail-size, minor changes
2013-10-22: Minor changes
2013-07-15: Redesigned the new tabs
2013-07-15: Merged all the browser-specific prefixed-elements since they are not needed anymore :)
2013-07-14: Some updates
2013-05-30: Minor tweaks
2013-04-29: Finally found the motivation to update this :)

Vinyl icon by jordygreen

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Discogs Dark Ultimate
@version      20231104.00.18
@description  Dark redesign for - I also created a different style as an "addon": <a href="">try it!</a>

Check out my other "Dark" styles:
 ₪ <a href="">Soundcloud</a>
 ₪ <a href="">Global dark style</a>
 ₪ <a href="">Yandex Images</a>
 ₪ <a href="">and more...</a>
@author       stormi
==/UserStyle== */

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/***** BUTTONS & CO *****/

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button[type="button"]:hover *, button.button:hover *...


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