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Hackers Black Out (beta) by ltrademark

Screenshot of Hackers Black Out (beta)




Categoryuserstyles, mastadon, hackerstown



Size59 kB


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A fairly minimal re-skin of mastodons default userstyles.


  • Accent Colours

Personalize your window with a fancy lil colour.

  • Adjust Gaps and window rounding

I've adjusted the CSS (duh) to allow you to nicely add some gaps to posts and other content all at once. the rounding is nice if you dislike sharp corners.

  • Adjust Font sizing

and accessibility feature, has a logic gate so you dont make the font TOO huge now.

  • Change your font! kinda

Since my only limitation is "use the fonts you have", I've added 2 other options aside from the page default, one of which is set as the default when you apply this style.

  • light mode?

All it really does is invert the page with minimal destruction to images/videos, HOWEVER, it also manages to wash out your accent colour, so.. sorry about that.

and lastly

  • Hate the rounded avatar? square it up!

an optional toggle to remove the roundy-roundness of the display pictures, and instead respects whatever value you put as your "border-radius". so if it's zero, then no circles for you~



This has only been tested on the only instance I've been on ( If this borks your timeline style, then I'm... sorry? I'll try to set up a github for better bug management, but the code should be available to tweak. If you wanna yell at me, feel free to do so on the plethora of social networks I'm on. Or just google "Ltrademark" and you should find me, I hope.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Hackers Black Out
@version        1.0.0
@description    Blacked out theme for the mastadon instance
@author         ltrademark (
@preprocessor   less

@var checkbox hideDrawerHeader "Hide Drawer Header" 0
@var checkbox collapseCompose "Collapse Compose Sidebar" 0
@var color accent "Accent" "#1155ee"
@var range gap "Gap" [0,0,20,1,'px']
@var range borderRadius "Border Radius" [0,0,15,1,'px']
@var checkbox roundedAvi "Rounded Avatars" 1
@var select font "Font" {
"Default": "'mastodon-font-sans-serif', sans-serif",
"Monospace*" : "monospace",
"Sans Serif": "sans-serif",
@var range fontSize "Font-size" [14,12,18,1,'px']
@var checkbox cornerCover "Stretch Corner Instance Image" 0
@var checkbox flipEverything "Swap to light mode" 0
@var range modalBackdropBlur "Modal Backdrop Blue" [6,0,40,1,'px']

==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp("https\\:\\/\\/\\/.*") {
	@post-button-color: #555555;
	@proccessed-post-button-color: replace(@post-button-color, "#", "%23");
	@curve: cubic-bezier(.7,-0.01,1,.65);
	@check-mark: "data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' width='16' height='16' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='%23ffffff' stroke-width='3' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='arcs'><polyline points='20 6 9 17 4 12'></polyline></svg>";
	@arrows: "";
	@dots: "";
	.modeSwitch(@mode) {
		& when (@mode = 1) {
			filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
	:root {
		--radius: @borderRadius;
		--accent: @accent;
		--compliment: spin(@accent, 50%);
		--column-header-background: #000; /*#313543*/
		--column-body-background: #000; /*#282c37*/
		--column-body-background--offset: #000; /*#1f232b*/
		--border-color: #333; /*#393f4f*/
		--post-button-color: @post-button-color; /*#8d9ac2*/
		--post-text-color: #fff;
		--post-text-color--muted: var(--post-button-color); /*#c2cede*/
		--compose-background: #000;
		--compose-foreground--offset: var(--compose-foreground);
		--compose-background--offset: var(--compose-background);
		--text-global: #fff;
		--text-global--muted: rgba(255,255,255,0.3);
		--header-height: 50px;
		--header-font-size: @fontSize;
		--gap: ~'@{gap}';
		--modal-backdrop-blur: @modalBackdropBlur;
		--touch-width: 20px;
	*, *:before, &:after {
		box-sizing: border-box;
	::selection {
		background-color: fade(@accent, 10%);
		/*color: var(--compliment); */
		color: @accent;
	html {
		scrollbar-color: var(--accent) rgba(0,0,0,.1);
		scrollbar-width: none;
	body {
		accent-color: var(--accent);
		font-family: @font;
		font-size: @fontSize;
	img {
	.columns-area {
		background-image: none;
		background-color: var(--column-body-background--offset);
	.column-header__wrapper ~ .scrollable,
	.column-header ~ .scrollable {
		scrollbar-width: none;
	.drawer-toggle when (@hideDrawerHeader = 1) {
		display: none;
	.drawer__header {
	.character-counter {
		font-family: @font;
	.loading-indicator span,
	.account__header__content > span,
	.accounts-table__count time,
	.accounts-table__count > span,
	.directory__card__bar .display-name strong,
	.account__header__content p,
	.composer--reply > .content,
	.composer--reply > header > .account.small,
	.trends__item__name > a,
	.account__action-bar__tab strong,
	.notification__filter-bar button,
	.column-header__back-button span,
	.account__section-headline a,
	.account__header__bio .account__header__joined,
	.account__header__fields dl,
	.status.collapsed .status__info .notification__message > span,
	.status__prepend > span,
	.status__content p {
		font-size: @fontSize;
	.accounts-table__count small,
	.account__header__content small,
	.directory__card__bar .display-name span,
	.trends__item__name > span,
	.account__action-bar__tab > span,
	.account__header__tabs__name h1 small,
	.display-name__account {
		font-size: .85em;
	.trends__item__current span {
		font-size: 1.15em;
	.account__header__bio .account__header__fields dt,
	.privacy-dropdown__option__content strong,
	.notification__message span a,
	.account__header__content > span,
	.directory__card__bar .display-name strong,
	.display-name.inline strong,
	.trends__item__name > a,
	.search-results__section h5,
	.account__section-headline a,
	.account__action-bar__tab strong,
	.account__action-bar__tab strong span,
	.notification__filter-bar button,
	.status__display-name b,
	.account__header__fields dt,
	.account__header__tabs__name h1,
	.account__display-name strong, 
	.status__display-name strong,
	.column-header > button,
	.drawer--account .acct strong,
	.font-weight {
		font-weight: 700;
	.account__header__fields dt,
	.account__header__fields dd {
		text-align: left;
	.video-player.full-width {
		height: auto !important;
	.video-player.inline video {
		top: 0;
		transform: unset;
		max-height: unset;
		width: 100%;
		height: auto;
	.media-gallery__item-thumbnail img {
		height: 100%;
		object-fit: cover;
	.compose-form__sensitive-button input[type="checkbox"],
	.scrollable.detailed-status__wrapper .focusable,
	.scrollable.detailed-status__wrapper .status,
	.poll__option input[type="text"],
	.composer--spoiler input {
		border-radius: var(--radius) !important;
	.compose-form__sensitive-button .checkbox,
	.item-list article .conversation,
	.item-list article .status {
		border-radius: var(--radius);
		overflow: hidden;
	.account__avatar-overlay-base img,
	.account__avatar {
		border-radius: if((@roundedAvi = 1), e("1e3px"), @borderRadius);
	.dropdown-menu__item a,
	.drawer__inner__mastodon img {
		border-radius: calc(var(--radius) / 2);
	.account__avatar-overlay-overlay {
		border: 3px solid var(--column-body-background);
	.emoji-mart-bar:first-child {
		border-radius: var(--radius) var(--radius) 0 0;
	.compose-panel .compose-form__autosuggest-wrapper,
	.autosuggest-input label .autosuggest-textarea__textarea, 
	.compose-form__autosuggest-wrapper label .autosuggest-textarea__textarea,
	.column-header {
		border-radius: var(--radius) var(--radius) 0 0;
		overflow: hidden;
	.column-header__wrapper ~ .scrollable,
	.column-header ~ .scrollable {
		border-radius: 0 0 var(--radius) var(--radius);
	.account__avatar-overlay-base img,
	.account__avatar {
	} .language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item__common-name, .privacy-dropdown__option__content, .privacy-dropdown__option__content > *,
	.privacy-dropdown__option:hover .privacy-dropdown__option__content,
	.privacy-dropdown__option:hover .privacy-dropdown__option__content > * {
		color: inherit !important;
		.timeline-hint a,
	.timeline-hint a:is(:hover, :active, :focus),,
	.icon-button:is(.active, .active:hover, :active, :focus, :hover),
	.status__action-bar .icon-button:hover,,
	.notification__dismiss-overlay .ckbox,
	.announcements__item__content a.unhandled-link,,,
	.composer--reply > .content a,
	.composer--options >,
	.poll__cancel .icon-button,
	.column-inline-form .icon-button,,
	.account__header__bio .account__header__fields a,
	.status__content a.unhandled-link,
	.landing-page__short-description p a, 
	.reply-indicator__content a, 
	.rich-formatting a, 


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