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Roll20 - Emoh's Darkness Reskinned by lunix

Screenshot of Roll20 - Emoh's Darkness Reskinned



LicenseNo License

CategoryRoll 20,



Size86 kB


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I made some changes to Emoh's Darkness to make everything a bit more colorful.

NPC Sheets are now purple and lime green.

Character Sheets now have purple highlights instead of red.

Player Skills, Saving throws, and Attacks are now highlighted yellow with a green modifier in chat.

NPC Skills and Saving throws are now highlighted cyan in chat.

NPC Attacks are now highlighted light red in chat.

Also changed some other things to colors that make sense.

Feel free to change anything to colors you want (Use Stylus).. (Manage Extension)..(Click Emoh's Darkness Reskinned) There you can change any colors in roll 20, hard to find what is what though so id recommend using my colors as reference.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Roll20 - Emoh's Darkness
@namespace      USO Archive
@author         FerretFerret
@description    `Emoh - God of the Rolling ChorusChild of Magoria, the faceless god Emoh is blind and stalks through the night using the sound of his voice to guide him. He is the patron god of the darkness, caverns, thunder, and is often invoked in dark rituals requiring sacrifice.This is a dark layout for D&D 5e OGL sheets on roll20, tweaked from the layout created by TwistedJackal ( ).If anyone besides my own group stumbles upon this style for some reason, know that I don't have any levels in HTML Wizard, and I am simply trying to save my eyes.`
@version        20210322.19.50
@license        CC0-1.0
@preprocessor   uso
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