Dark theme for Etsy! Tried to make it consistent and visually pleasing to look at :)
Etsy Dark by lesboy

LicenseNo License
Size292 kB
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I've chosen to hide a bunch of recommendation stuff, since it's usually not what I'm looking for. Until I learn how to make toggles and stuff, for now I'd recommend just deleting the section if you use those regularly.
Section in question is titled " /* Hide "Similar Items" Stuff */ " Ty 4 using my silly style :)
[ October 21 2022 ]
- Improved consistency, i.e. line thickness, adjusting elements for the darker palette, etc.
- Hid a lot more ad-based recommendation stuff, since I can't stand them lol
- Updated selection overlay to be a more neutral red, for aesthetics.
- Updated ToS and Seller pages.
[ October 26 2022 ]
- Updated more corporate pages to adhere to the theme.
- Adjusted select elements to match up better with the visual language goin' on.
[ October 28 2022 ]
- Updated more corporate pages to adhere to the theme.
- Added support for Etsy's Community and Forums (//community.etsy.com/).
- Added support for Etsy's Support pages (//help.etsy.com/).
[ October 29 2022 ]
- Improved consistency between all Etsy-linked sites above. Design language stuff.
- Updated modals and such to be more consistent with other elements.
- Updated certain buttons to stand out more (add to cart, sign in, etc.).
- Added support for Etsy's image pages (//i.etsystatic.com/).
- Hid a few more ad-based recommendation things.
[ November 11 2022 ]
- Updated certain highlight regions to be softer. (all used one tone regardless of bg)
- Hid a few more ad-based recommendations.
- Miscellaneous visual tweaks for added style coherence.
[ December 04 2022 ]
- Updated profile collection separators to fit the theme.
[ December 22 2022 ]
- Updated tracking page to adhere to the theme.
- Updated Map Report Form.
[ January 11 2023 ]
- Updated favorite shops section to fit the theme better.
- Updated misc pages to fit theme better.
- Hid more intrusive recommendations stuff.
[ January 19 2023 ]
- Updated misc background loading Animations to not load when their loaded equivalent is hidden.
- Updated listing tags to be meatier.
- Hid "Add to your ____ Collection" recommendations in the updates drop-down. May re-enable bc it's annoying to get a notif and see nothing new.
- Updated User Following page to look a bit nicer. WIP
[ January 20 2023 ]
- Updated Seller Set-up Pages, to a point.
- Fixed certain buttons having conflicting colors.
[ April 17 2023 ]
- Misc visual tweaks.
- Updated various pages to fix unchanged elements.
( gonna try to get some work done on seller pages, since i made a shop by accident lol )
[ April 28 2023 ]
- Inverted colors for certain buttons for better pairity with default Etsy.
- Adjusted certain search-bars to pair better.
- Revamped Shop page tabs.
- Misc visual tweaks.
- Hid a few more ad-based recommendation things.
[ April 30 2023 ]
- Inverted colors for more buttons for better pairity with default Etsy.
- Cleaned up payment page(s) a bit.
- Hid a few more ad-based recommendation things.
[ October 6 2023 ]
- Updated a few site elements to fit the theme (lit theme elements). (WIP)
[ October 22 2023 ]
- Updated Shop pages buttons and spacing.
- Changed search bar style, adjusted animation speed and position.
- Darkened footer to stand out less.
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Etsy Dark
@namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus
@version 6.9
@description Etsy but dark
@author noelle @transbimbozone
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("www.etsy.com") {
:root {
--dark-1: #161616 !important;
--dark-2: #212121 !important;
--dark-3: #222 !important;
--dark-3-hover: #363636de !important;
--dark-4: #1b1b1b !important;
--dark-dim: #22222270 !important;
--white-1: #eaeaea !important;
--white-2: #eaeaeaa8 !important;
--white-3: #eaeaea57 !important;
--white-4: #333 !important;
--white-5: #a2a2a2 !important;
--white-5-hover: #5e5e5e !important;
--button-hover: #3c3c3c !important;
--border-1: #333238 !important;
--border-2: #0000001a !important;
--overlay-1: #16161670 !important;
--hover: #474747d4 !important;
--black: #000 !important;
--orange: #ff7944 !important;
--trans: #fff0 !important;
--selection: #bb4a31 !important;
--red-1: #ff376d !important;
--red-2: #21181b !important;
scrollbar-color: #6e6e6e #161616;
scrollbar-width: thin !important;
::selection {
color: var(--white-1);
background: var(--selection) !important; }
body {
scrollbar-width: thin !important;
overflow-x: hidden; }
body.gradient-bg {
background: url(/assets/dist/images/homepage/homepage-gradient.20190424142747.png) repeat-x left top #1b1b1b;
background-color: var(--dark-1) !important; }
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scrollbar-color: #3d3d3d #2b2a3300;
scrollbar-width: thin !important; }
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scrollbar-color: #6e6e6e #161616;
scrollbar-width: thin !important; }
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scrollbar-color: #6e6e6e #161616;
scrollbar-width: thin !important; }
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padding-top: 7px !important;
padding-bottom: 9px !important; }
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padding-right: 18px !important;
padding-left: 18px !important; }
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background-color: var(--dark-2) !important; }
.hide-listing-button > .wt-btn:hover::after, .hide-listing-button > .wt-btn:focus::after {
background-color: var(--dark-2) !important; }
.hide-listing-region .wt-menu button.wt-menu__item:nth-of-type(3) {
border-top: 2px solid var(--dark-3-hover); }
.favorites-email-resub.wt-rounded-03.wt-alert.wt-alert--fixed-bottom.wt-alert--fixed-floating.wt-shadow-01.wt-pt-xs-5.wt-pb-xs-4.wt-overflow-hidden.wt-bg-white.wt-mr-xs-3 { display: none !important; }
.wt-shadow-01 {
box-shadow: 0 0px 0px #1e1d1d26; }
button .wt-btn::before, a .wt-btn::before, button.wt-btn::before, a.wt-btn::before, label.wt-btn::before, input.wt-btn::before {
box-shadow: 0 0px 0px #1e1d1d26; }
.ui-toolkit .v2-toolkit-gnav-header, .v2-toolkit-gnav-header {
/* padding-bottom: 1px; */
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--dark-2); }
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border-bottom: 0px solid var(--dark-2) !important; }
[data-above-header=""] [data-sitewide-banner=""] { display: none !important; }
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.streamlined-links-card div.wt-card.wt-card--transparent::before {
background: var(--dark-2) !important; }
/* New Search Bar */
.search-container .search-item-container {
color: var(--white-2); }
.wt-menu a.wt-menu__item:hover:not(:disabled):not([disabled="true"]), body:not(.wt-focus-visible) .wt-menu a.wt-menu__item:focus, .wt-menu button.wt-menu__item:hover:not(:disabled):not([disabled="true"]), body:not(.wt-focus-visible) .wt-menu button.wt-menu__item:focus, .wt-menu li.wt-menu__item:hover:not(:disabled):not([disabled="true"]), body:not(.wt-focus-visible) .wt-menu li.wt-menu__item:focus, a.wt-menu__item:hover:not(:disabled):not([disabled="true"]), body:not(.wt-focus-visible) a.wt-menu__item:focus, button.wt-menu__item:hover:not(:disabled):not([disabled="true"]), body:not(.wt-focus-visible) button.wt-menu__item:focus, li.wt-menu__item:hover:not(:disabled):not([disabled="true"]), body:not(.wt-focus-visible) li.wt-menu__item:focus {
background: var(--dark-3-hover) !important; }
.gnav-header .wt-menu .global-nav-menu__body li.wt-menu__item.selected, .gnav-header .wt-menu .global-nav-menu__body li.search-item-container.selected, .gnav-header .wt-menu .global-nav-menu__body .search-dropdown-nav.selected, .gnav-header .search-container .global-nav-menu__body li.wt-menu__item.selected, .gnav-header .search-container .global-nav-menu__body .search-dropdown-nav.selected {
background: var(--dark-3-hover) !important; }
.wt-input-btn-group.global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group .global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group__input:focus, .ui-toolkit .wt-input-btn-group.global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group .global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group__input:focus {
color: var(--white-2);
background-color: var(--dark-1);
box-shadow: 0 1px 4px 0 rgb(34 34 34 / 10%) inset; }
body:not(.etsy-has-it-design) .wt-input-btn-group.global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group .global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group__input:focus, body:not(.etsy-has-it-design) .ui-toolkit .wt-input-btn-group.global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group .global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group__input:focus {
background-color: var(--dark-1); }
.wt-input-btn-group.global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group.emphasized_search_bar .global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group__btn::after {
background: var(--dark-1); }
[class="wt-input-btn-group global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group emphasized_search_bar emphasized_search_bar_grey_bg search-bar-container search-bar-container--expanded"] .global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group__btn::after {
background: var(--dark-1) !important; }
[id="gnav-search"] .wt-input-btn-group .wt-input-btn-group__input:focus~.wt-input-btn-group__btn:not(.wt-input-btn-group__btn--filled):after {
background: var(--dark-1) !important; }
/* New Search bar - Rounding */
[id="gnav-header"] .wt-input-btn-group.global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group.emphasized_search_bar.emphasized_search_bar_grey_bg.search-bar-container--expanded .global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group__input {
transition: all .23s ease-in-out 0s;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0px !important; }
[id="gnav-header"] .wt-input-btn-group.global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group.emphasized_search_bar.emphasized_search_bar_grey_bg.search-bar-container--expanded .global-enhancements-search-input-btn-group__btn {
transition: all .23s ease-in-out 0s;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0px !important; }
.search-container .search-suggestions-container {
border-top-left-radius: 0px;
border-top-right-radius: 0px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 24px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 24px;
margin-top: -10px !important; }
.search-container .search-suggestions-container {
background: var(--dark-1);
box-shadow: none !important;
border: 2px solid var(--dark-2);
border-top: 0px;
transform-origin: center; }
.search-container .search-bar-container.search-bar-container--expanded ~ .search-suggestions-container {
transition: all .23s ease-in-out 0s;
box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0,0,0,.3019607843),0px 4px 8px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.1490196078);
opacity: 1;
transform: scaleX(0.9995) scaleY(1) perspective(1px); }
[id="global-enhancements-search-suggestions"] .wt-pb-xs-2 {
padding-top: 19px !important;
padding-bottom: 16px !important; }
.gnav-header .search-container .global-nav-menu__body li.search-item-container.selected {
background-color: var(--dark-2) !important; }
.gnav-header .wt-menu .global-nav-menu__body li.wt-menu__item.selected {
background-color: var(--dark-3-hover) !important; }
#gnav-header-inner.global-enhancements-header.wt-display-flex-xs.wt-justify-content-space-between.wt-align-items-center.wt-width-full.wt-body-max-width.wt-pl-xs-2.wt-pr-xs-2.wt-pl-lg-6.wt-pr-lg-6.wt-bb-xs.wt-bb-lg-none.gnav-header-inner.wt-pt-lg-2.wt-pb-lg-2 {
border-bottom-width: 2px !important; }
.wt-bb-xs {
border-bottom-width: 2px !important; }
.top-nav-item.wt-pb-xs-2.wt-mr-xs-2.wt-display-flex-xs.wt-align-items-center { display: none !important; }
.msg {
color: var(--white-2); }
.msg-notice {
background-color: var(--dark-3); }
.msg-alt {
background-color: var(--dark-3); }
.sprite-img {
filter: invert(.60); }
.query-card-container:hover .query-with-image-text, .query-card-container:focus .query-with-image-text, .ui-toolkit .wt-text-gray, .ui-toolkit .wt-btn.wt-btn--transparent {
color: var(--white-2) !important; }
.v2-listing-card__img img {
border-radius: 8px !important; }
.listing-card-video-container video {
border-radius: 8px !important; }
.placeholder {
background: var(--trans) !important; }
.v2-listing-card p.wt-text-gray.wt-text-caption {
color: #828282 !important; }
.wt-icon svg {
color: var(--white-2) !important; }
.wt-icon.wt-circle.wt-bg-gray {
fill: var(--white-2) !important; }
[d="M14 2C16.21 2 18 3...