A small tweak that adds chapter separators, a shadow to the timeline, and anything under it so that it is easier to see it on a light background.
Youtube: Better timeline and text visibility by tutah1

LicenseCC BY-NC
Size1.8 kB
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Небольшой твик, добавляющий тень к линии времени и всему, что ниже, чтобы было проще увидеть их на светлом фоне. Также добавляет разделитель к главам, так что их теперь проще визуально разделять.
16.05.2022 update: made buttons and section name shadow stringer, added a gradient to timeline, so it's easy to see it both on the light and black backgrounds
17.02.2023 update: now the chapters have borders, so it's much easier to distinguish them
20230217.16.48: added text-shadow to chapter description pop-up on mouse hover
29.08.2024 update: chapter borders now have different implementation, fixing the issue when the last chapter is moved to a new line
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Youtube: Better timeline and text visibility
@version 20240829.21.25
@namespace userstyles.world/user/tutah1
@description Небольшой твик, добавляющий тень ко времени и другим элементам проигрывателя, чтобы их было проще увидеть на светлом фоне.
@author tutah1
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.youtube.com/watch") {
/*time below*/
/*chapter description text below*/
.ytp-tooltip-title > span /*chapter description pop-up (on mouse hover)*/
text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black, 0 0 5px black;
.ytp-svg-shadow {
stroke-opacity: 0.55;
.ytp-chapter-hover-container {
background: linear-gradient(180deg, #00000073, transparent);
box-sizing: border-box;
.ytp-chapter-hover-container::after { /*Borders*/
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 2px; /* Border width */
background: #fff; /* Border color */
.ytp-chapter-hover-container::before {
left: 0;
/* Border left */
.ytp-chapter-hover-container::after {
right: 0;
/* Border right */
.ytp-chapter-hover-container::after {
height: 140%; /*Make it a little bigger than preview line*/
margin-top: -1px; /*center it, костыль™*/
.ytp-chapter-hover-container:hover {
border-right: solid #f1f1f1 5px;
border-left: solid #fff 5px;
.caption-window.ytp-caption-window-bottom { /*I don't remember what is it for*/
background: transparent!important;