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Mastodon Modern by Freeplay

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Screenshot of Mastodon Modern



LicenseCC BY-SA 4.0




Size68 kB


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Improves the look & feel of Mastodon. Can be used with other themes that only change colors.


Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.

	// ---------------------------
	// Add your home instance to the "Custom included sites"
	// textbox in the left panel following this format:
	// *://domain.tld/*

/* Update 2.0.2 (Mastodon 4.3)
- Removed settings sidebar styling as changes had broken it
- Fixed vertical top menu
- Fix publish button being hidden under bottombar
- Fixed some borders
- More fixes !!

/* ==UserStyle==
@name			MastoModern
@version		2.0.2
@description	Improves the look & feel of Mastodon
@preprocessor	stylus

@var range		tlWidth			"Timeline Width" [720, 600, 860, 20, "px"]
@var checkbox	sideHeader		"Move header to sidebar" 1
@var checkbox	navOnLeft		"Move navigation sidebar to the left" 0
@var checkbox	spaceBetween	"Move sidebars to edges" 0
@var checkbox	largerEmoji		"Larger custom emoji" 1
@var checkbox	emojiZoom		"Zoom custom emoji on hover (follows prefers-reduced-motion)" 1
@var checkbox	collapseHidden	"Collapse hidden media" 1
@var checkbox	hideClickArea	"Increase click area for hide media button" 1
@var checkbox	flatterUI		"Flatter UI" 0
@var range		borderRadius	"Border radius" [12, 0, 24, 4, "px"]
@var range		radiusRound		"Border radius round" [24, 0, 24, 4, "px"]
@var range		avatarRadius	"Avatar radius" [30, 0, 50, 10, "%"]
@var color warn  "Some options may not apply depending on the server's style defaults and how the option was implemented" #ff6b00

@namespace		Freeplay
@author			Freeplay (
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain("") {
/ {
	responsiveW1 = 1320px
	responsiveW2 = 1175px
	mobileW = 890px

	transBounce1 = .2s cubic-bezier(0,0,0,1.1)

	statuses-list = ".focusable, .entry, .statuses-grid__item .detailed-status, .trends__item, .story, .scrollable :not(.focusable) > .account:not(.account--minimal), .timeline-hint"
	media = ".media-gallery, .video-player, .status-card.horizontal.interactive, .status-card, .audio-player, .picture-in-picture-placeholder"

	:root {
		--tl-width tlWidth
		if tlWidth == 860 {
			--tl-width 100%
		if !largerEmoji {
			--emoji-size 1.2em
		if largerEmoji {
			--emoji-size 2em
		--avatar-size 46px
		--radius borderRadius
		--radius-round radiusRound
		--panel-radius var(--radius)
		--hover-color rgba(170,170,170, 0.07)
		--elevated-color rgba(150,150,200,0.1)
		--elevated-tint rgba(200,200,240,0.07)
		--border-color rgba(120,120,200, 0.2)
		--border-color-2 rgba(120,120,120, 1)
		--shadow 0 10px 40px -10px rgba(0,0,0,0.15)
		--shadow-low 0 8px 24px -16px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)
		--shadow-med 0 8px 60px -30px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
		--column-shadow 0 8px 24px 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.02)
		--background-border-color var(--border-color)
		if flatterUI {
			--column-shadow 0
			--elevated-tint 0
		// --accent  // not applied everywhere, just for if you have custom color scheme and want to match it
	desktop() {
		@media (min-width mobileW) {
			.layout-single-column {
	@media (max-width mobileW - 1) {
		:root {
			--panel-radius 0px
	.layout-multiple-columns {
		--panel-radius 0px
	//// BODY
	body {
		font-display swap !important
		if !flatterUI {
			&:not(.admin)::before {
				content ""
				position fixed
				inset 0
				background rgba(0,0,0,0.06)
				z-index -1
	//// GLOBAL
	/ {
        p {
            line-height 1.5
		input {
			text-align start
		.button--block {
			font-weight bold
		.unhandled-link, .mention {
			span {
				text-decoration none !important
			&:not(:focus):not(:hover) {
				span {
					text-decoration underline !important
		input, .input-copy, select, textarea,
		.compose-form__upload-thumbnail, .button,
		:not(.notification__filter-bar) > button:not(.column-header__button), video, .privacy-dropdown__dropdown, .react-toggle-track,
		.reply-indicator, .compose-form__warning {
			border-radius var(--radius)
		button, .focusable, a, .media-gallery__item-thumbnail {
			&:focus-visible {
				box-shadow inset 0 0 0 2px #dc7b18
				outline 2px #dc7b18 solid
				outline-offset -2px
		:not(.radio-button__input):not(span) {
			border-color var(--border-color) !important

		.column-back-button, .column-header__collapsible.collapsed, .column-header__collapsible-inner,
		.audio-player, .search__input {
			border 0 !important
		.account__section-headline, .notification__filter-bar,
		.column-header {
			border-inline 0
		.account__section-headline, .notification__filter-bar
		.column > .scrollable {
			background none
		.account__avatar, #profile_page_avatar, .account__avatar-composite, .account-card__title__avatar img {
			border-radius avatarRadius 
			flex none

		:not(body):not(.scrollable) {
			&::-webkit-scrollbar {
				width 6px
				margin-block 10px
				&-track {
					background none
				&-thumb {
					border-radius 100px
					transition background-color .2s
			&:not(:hover) {
				&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
					background none
					padding-block 10px
	/ {
		@media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
			body:not(.reduce-motion) {
				.load-more, .setting-toggle, .column-header__back-button, .column-back-button,
				.trends__item, .story, .account__avatar, .button,
				.media-gallery__item, .column-link, select, .status-card, .audio-player, .account {
					transition transform .4s cubic-bezier(0,0,0,3), background .2s, opacity .2s !important
					&:active, &:focus-visible {
						transform scale(.99)
						transition transform .4s cubic-bezier(0,0,0,1) !important
				.column-header__button, .column-header__buttons > .column-header__back-button,
				.react-toggle-track, .icon-button, .floating-action-button {
					transition transform .4s cubic-bezier(0,0,0,4), background .2s !important
					&:active {
						transform scale(.95)
						transition transform .4s cubic-bezier(0,0,0,1) !important
				.status__content__spoiler-link {
					span {
						display inline-block
						transition transform .4s cubic-bezier(0,0,0,4) !important

					&:active span {
						transition transform .4s cubic-bezier(0,0,0,1) !important
						transform translateY(1px)
			.reduce-motion * {
				animation-duration 0s !important

			@keyframes bounceIn {
				0% { transform: scale(1.1); opacity: 0 }
				30% { transform: scale(.99); opacity: 1 }
				60% { transform: scale(1.005); opacity: 1 }
				100% { transform: scale(1); opacity: 1 }

			@keyframes slideUp {
				from { 
					transform translateY(20px) 
			@keyframes slideUpFade {
				from { 
					transform translateY(20px) 
					filter opacity(0)
			@keyframes slideDownFade {
				from {
					transform translateY(-20px)
					filter opacity(0)
			@keyframes slideUpBig {
				from { 
					transform translateY(50vh) 
			@keyframes fadeUp {
				from { 
					transform translateY(10px) 
					opacity 0
			@keyframes scaleIn {
				from {
					transform scale(.98)
					opacity 0
			@keyframes fadeLeft {
				from {
					transform: translateX(20px) opacity(0)
			@keyframes rainbow {
				to {
					filter hue-rotate(360deg)
	/ {
		.columns-area__panels {
			--top 5px
			gap 0
			if navOnLeft {
				flex-direction row-reverse
			if spaceBetween {
				justify-content space-between
		@media (min-width responsiveW2) {
			.columns-area__panels {
				padding-inline 10px
				padding-top var(--top)
				box-sizing border-box
				transition padding .4s
				--top 20px
		@media (min-width responsiveW1) {
			.columns-area__panels {
				--top 30px
			if spaceBetween {
				.columns-area__panels {
					--top 10px
				.columns-area__panels__main {
					margin-top 20px !important
	/ {
		.columns-area__panels__pane--compositional {
			@media (min-width responsiveW1) {
				if spaceBetween {
					.columns-area__panels__pane__inner::before {
						content ""
						position absolute
						inset -100px -11px
						border-inline 1px solid var(--border-color)
						z-index -1
		.compose-panel {
			overflow-y auto
			margin-top calc(0px - var(--top))
			padding-top var(--top)
			padding-bottom 20px
			padding-inline 10px
			box-sizing border-box
			max-height unset !important
			height 100%
			> * {
				padding-inline 0
			> .navigation-bar {
				padding-top 0 !important
			.search, /.drawer .search {
				margin-bottom 25px
		.compose-form__uploads {
			padding 0
			margin-block 0 !important
			margin-inline 12px
			width unset
		.search {
			border-radius var(--radius)
			margin-inline -5px
			label {
				// padding-inline 20px
				box-sizing border-box
			input {
				border-radius var(--radius-round) !important
			.search__icon > i {
				margin-inline 5px
			/.search__popout {
				border-radius var(--radius)
				animation scaleIn .2s
				box-shadow var(--shadow-low)
				margin-top 10px
				margin-inline 4px
				width calc(100% - 8px)
		.navigation-bar {
			.icon-button {
				width auto !important
				height auto !important
				padding 8px
		.compose-form {
			min-height unset
			overflow unset
			gap 15px
			flex 1 0 auto !important
			> * {
				margin 0 !important
			> [aria-hidden="t...


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