Full-screen width grid search results. Instead of 4 items per row, now you can get up to 8.
Quick and dirty implementation for now. I haven't tested all parts of the site out with this script.
LicenseNo License
CategoryAmazon, shopping
Size795 B
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Full-screen width grid search results. Instead of 4 items per row, now you can get up to 8.
Quick and dirty implementation for now. I haven't tested all parts of the site out with this script.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Amazon.com Widescreen Grid Results. Ultrawide Monitor
@version 20220520.19.31
@namespace userstyles.world/user/icefreez
@description Full-screen width grid search results. Instead of 4 items per row, now you can get up to 8.
Quick and dirty implementation for now. I haven't tested all parts of the site out with this script.
@author icefreez
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.amazon.com") {
@media (min-width: 1400px) {
.s-desktop-width-max, .sg-col-16-of-20, .sg-col-12-of-16, .s-desktop-width-max, .s-desktop-width-max, .sg-col-16-of-20, .sg-col-12-of-16, .s-desktop-width-max{
max-width: 100% !important;
.s-result-list>.sg-col-4-of-20 {
grid-column: auto/span 2;