I stole the idea from the masterpiece https://userstyles.org/styles/227553/ of Vinter (1363485 on userstyles.org).
Discord Minimize Sidebars by xiaopanpankevinpan
LicenseNo License
Size3.2 kB
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/* ==UserStyle==
@name Discord Minimize Sidebars
@namespace https://openuserjs.org/users/kevin_pan_940506
@version 1.3.2
@description `
I stole the idea from the masterpiece https://userstyles.org/styles/227553/ of Vinter (1363485 on userstyles.org). But what's different?
- Use Sidebar as Triggerzone; vice versa if possible and you want.
- Choose what to be minimized.
2024-12-19 About the "`!important` fix": Someone wrote `!impotant` in the css files of Discord and thus freezed the width of the Channel sidebar (which is not a good practice when writing CSS). To revert the issue, I have to use `!important`, too 🥲. I made it a switch so you can close it whenever possible (or when you need to).
@author XiaoPanPanKevinPan
@preprocessor uso
var <type> <name> <label> <default value>
@var text duration "Transition Duration" 0.25s
@var text delay "Transition Delay (e.g. before re-minimizing)" 0.75s
@var select cWork "Channels - Minimize?" {
"Yes*": "",
"No": "*:not(*)"
@var select cSelSvrBar "Channels - Server Sidebar as Triggerzone" {
"Yes*": `[class*="guilds"]:not(:hover):not(:focus-within) + * `,
"No": `[class*="guilds"] + *`
@var text cOpa "Channels - Opacity on minimized" 0.00
@var text cVisWidth "Channels - Visible Width on minimized" 5px
@var select importantFix "Channels - Use the !important fix? (Switch to \"no\" if possible)" {
"Yes*": "!important",
"No": ""
@var select gWork "Servers - Minimize?" {
"Yes*": "",
"No": "*:not(*)"
@var text gVisWidth "Servers - Visible Width on minimized" 5px
@var text gOpa "Servers - Opacity on minimized" 0.00
@var select gSelChlBar "Servers - Channel Sidebar as Triggerzone" {
"Yes*": `:not(:has(+ * [class*="sidebar_"]:is(:hover, :focus-within)))`,
"No": ""
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp("https?://(ptb\\.|canary\\.)?discord.com/(channels|store|guild-discovery).*") {
/*-- START OF channel sidebar --*/
/*[[cWork]]*/ [class*="sidebar_"] {
transition: width /*[[duration]]*/, opacity /*[[duration]]*/;
opacity: 1;
/*[[cWork]]*/ /*[[cSelSvrBar]]*/ [class*="sidebar_"]:not(:hover):not(:focus-within) {
transition: width /*[[duration]]*/ /*[[delay]]*/, opacity /*[[duration]]*/ /*[[delay]]*/;
width: /*[[cVisWidth]]*/ /*[[importantFix]]*/;
opacity: /*[[cOpa]]*/;
/*-- END OF channel sidebar --*/
/*-- START OF guild sidebar --*/
/*[[gWork]]*/ [class*="guilds_"]{
transition: width /*[[duration]]*/, opacity /*[[duration]]*/;
opacity: 1;
/*[[gWork]]*/ [class*="guilds_"]:not(:hover):not(:focus-within)/*[[gSelChlBar]]*/ {
transition: width /*[[duration]]*/ /*[[delay]]*/, opacity /*[[duration]]*/ /*[[delay]]*/;
width: /*[[gVisWidth]]*/;
opacity: /*[[gOpa]]*/;
/*-- END OF guild sidebar --*/