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fontinha special by jok1n9



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fuckin insta


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Instagram Dark Theme (+Widescreen DM Fix)
@namespace      USO Archive
@author         Lexan
@description    `This theme is designed to make the desktop version of Instagram look and feel like Instagram's Dark Theme on mobile, while also providing a widescreen fix for Direct Messages and other parts of Instagram's UI. Compatible with and the Instagram "app" from the Microsoft Store.Discord server for updates: the widescreen direct messages but without the dark theme? Here is the light mode version of this theme: you would like to check out my channel, it can be found here:, if you do not like the white titlebar on the Instagram Desktop app, consider using this Tampermonkey script to turn it black:`
@version        20220605.5.34
@license        CC-BY-4.0
@preprocessor   uso
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
/* Instagram Dark Theme v9.1*/
/* Created by Lexan*/
/* Dark Scrollbar*/
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
    background: var(--bg-color) !important;
    width: 8px
 ::-webkit-scrollbar-button {
    display: none !important;
 ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
    background: #999 !important;
    width: 8px !important;
    border-radius: 10px;
     transition: .1s !important;
 ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:not(:active):hover {
    background: #777 !important;
     transition: .1s !important;
 ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover:active {
    background: #5c5c5c !important;
     transition: .1s !important;

    :root {
        --bg: #000;
        --bg2: #141414;
	    --bg3: #222;
        --item: #333;
        --item-hover: #666;
        --item-active: #777;
        --text: #fff;
        --text-dark: #ddd;
        --text-dark2: #aaa;
        --none: #00000000;
        --accent /*direct message colour*/: #0F92EA;
        --multi-select: #0d2844;
        --ig-primary-background: 0,0,0;
        --ig-secondary-background: 0, 0, 0;
        --ig-highlight-background: 34,34,34;
        --ig-elevated-separator: 0,0,0,0;
        --ig-seperator: 0,0,0,0;
        --post-separator: 0,0,0,0;
        --ig-primary-text: 255,255,255;
        --ig-secondary-button: 255,255,255;
        --ig-link: 255,255,255;
        --direct-message-max-width: 55vw;
        --ig-elevated-background: 35,35,35;
        --grey-9: 255,255,255;

body {
    background: var(--bg) !important;

    .sp_jY02qVAhKr8.sx_98e64d /*Instagram logo*/{
        filter: invert(1);
    input, select, textarea {
    ._a3gq ._aa_y{
        max-width: 96% !important
    ._a3gq ._aam3 {
        max-width:700px !important;
        margin-left:10px !important;
    ._a3gq ._aak9{
        margin-left: 400px !important
        display:none !important
    ._a3gq ._acun /*icon width*/{
        max-width: 90vw;

._a3gq ._aawf /*search bar width*/{
    width: 35vw;

    ._lz6s,.Hz2lF,._acum /*Header*/{
	    backdrop-filter: blur(12px) !important;
        background-color: #000000cc !important;
        border-bottom: none !important;

    ._ab6- /*UNIVERSAL ICON FIX PT2*/{
        color: #fff;
        fill: #fff;

    polygon,circle,line,polyline,rect /*THE UNIVERSAL ICON FIX!!*/{
        stroke: #fff !important;

._a3gq ._aa1g /*log out divider*/{
    background-color: var(--none);

    ._ab6- [d="M34.6 3.1c-4.5 0-7.9 1.8-10.6 5.6-2.7-3.7-6.1-5.5-10.6-5.5C6 3.1 0 9.6 0 17.6c0 7.3 5.4 12 10.6 1.3 1.1 1.9 1.7l2.3 2c4.4 3.9 6.6 5.9 7.6 1.1.5 1.6.5s1.1-.2 1.6-.5c1-.6 2.8-2.2 7.8-6.8l2-1.8c.7-.6 1.3-1.2 2-1.7C42.7 29.6 48 25 48 17.6c0-8-6-14.5-13.4-14.5z"] /*Heart icon colour*/{
    fill: #ed4956 !important;

._a3gq ._aahn, ._a3gq ._aaho{
    filter: invert(1)

/*Individual Post*/
    ._a3gq ._aatg ._aasi,._aasx /*header*/{
        background-color: var(--bg);

    ._a3gq ._aatg._aati ._aasi /*header border*/{
        border-left: none;

    ._a3gq ._aatg._aati ._aasx{
        border-left: none;

    ._a3gq ._aad7/*description*/{
        color: var(--text-dark2);

._a3gq a /*hashtags and links*/{
    color: var(--text)

    ._a3gq ._aatg ._aasi{
        border-bottom: none;

    ._a3gq ._aatg ._aat0,._a3gq ._aatg._aati ._aaso{
        border-top: none;
    .oajrlxb2.g5ia77u1.qu0x051f.esr5mh6w.e9989ue4.r7d6kgcz.rq0escxv.nhd2j8a9.nc684nl6.p7hjln8o.kvgmc6g5.cxmmr5t8.oygrvhab.hcukyx3x.jb3vyjys.rz4wbd8a.qt6c0cv9.a8nywdso.i1ao9s8h.esuyzwwr.f1sip0of.lzcic4wl._acan._acao._acat._acaw._a6hd,._a3gq ._ac6f,._aacl._aaco._aacw._aad6._aade/*header text*/{
        color: var(--text);

._a3gq ._ablz /*text area*/{
    color: var(--text-dark2);

._a3gq ._a9--,._a3gq ._aas-/*menu*/{
    border-bottom: none;
    border-top: none;

._a3gq ._a9--:hover/*menu*/{
    background-color: var(--bg3);
    transition: .1s;

._a3gq ._a9_1 /*menu text*/{
    color: var(--text-dark)

._a3gq ._ab0q /*liked by profile icons*/{
    border-color: var(--bg)

._a3gq ._aasi,._a3gq ._aatk/*small resolution fix*/{
    background-color: var(--bg)

/*Direct Messages*/
    ._ab8j._ab8l._ab8w._ab94._ab99._ab9h._ab9k._ab9p._ab9s /*messages max width*/{
        max-width: 99999999px !important;
        border: none;

    ._a3gq ._aa5b /*padding fix*/{
        padding: 0px;

    ._a3gq ._abyb::before /*primary and general border*/{
        border-bottom: none;

    ._a3gq ._acrb /*message box*/{
        background-color: var(--bg3)

    ._a3gq ._aa61 /*emoji picker*/{
    background-color: var(--bg3);

    ._a3gq ._aa62 /*emoji picker gradient*/{
        background: linear-gradient( to bottom, rgba(34, 34, 34, 0) 0%, rgb(34,34,34) 100% )
        ._a3gq ._aa5_ /*emoji picker arrow*/{
            background: var(--bg3) !important;
            border: none;

    ._a3gq ._ac1q /*sent messages*/{
        background: var(--accent) !important;

    ._a3gq ._ac1q:hover{
	    background: #1EBAFF !important;
        transition: .1s;

    ._a3gq ._ac1r /*recieved messages*/{
        background: var(--bg3)

    ._a3gq ._ac1r:hover{
        background: var(--item)

    ._a3gq ._abwa /*message options*/{
        background-color: var(--bg3)

    ._a3gq ._ac15 /*replying*/{
        border-top: none;

    .qg4pu3sx /*reactions background*/{
        background-color: var(--bg2);

    ._a3gq ._ac76 /*reactions heading*/{

    ._a3gq ._ac78 /*reactions text*/{
        color: var(--text)

    ._a3gq ._aada /*reactions body, also controls many secondary text elements*/{
        color: var(--text-dark2);

    ._a3gq ._aacx /*New message names*/{
        color: var(--text);

    ._a3gq ._abm4:hover /*hover item*/{
        background-color: var(--item);
        transition: .1s;

    ._a3gq ._aag-{
        border-bottom: none;

    ._a3gq ._aaie /*new message textbox*/{
        color: var(--text-dark2);

    ._ab8l._ab8p._ab8w._ab94._ab99._ab9h._ab9k._ab9p._abaj._aba_._abbh._abbz._ab9z /*share names*/{
        background-color: var(--multi-select);

    ._a3gq ._aa5a /*general messages*/{

._a3gq ._aa4j /*header*/{
	    backdrop-filter: blur(12px) !important;
        background-color: #000000cc !important;
        border-bottom: none !important;

._a3gq ._ab5x /*translucent fix*/{
    padding-top: 0

/*Create Post*/
    ._a3gq ._abg0 /*selected button*/{
        background: var(--item);

    ._a3gq ._abmb /*background*/{
        background-color: var(--bg);

    ._a3gq ._aagd /*tab text*/{
        color: var(--text);

    ._a3gq ._aage /*tab underline*/{
        border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;

    ._a3gq ._ac2v /*left border*/{
        border-left: none;

    ._a3gq ._abgh,._a3gq ._abm8{
        border-top: none;

        color: var(--text-dark2) !important;

/*sign in*/
    .sp_jY02qVAhKr8.sx_48f333 /*logo*/{

    ._ab21._ab22._ab23 /*background*/{
        background-color: var(--bg2)

    ._a3gq ._aahe:checked~._aahg::before /*check*/{
        border-bottom: 2px solid #fff;
        border-left: 2px solid #fff;

    ._a3gq ._aa5k,._a3gq ._aa5o/*text boxes*/{
        background: var(--bg2)

    ._a3gq ._aa49 ._aa4b/*text colour*/{
        color: var(--text);

    ._a3gq ._acao._acat, a._acao._acat, a._acao._acat:visited,._a3gq ._aa8q /*show passwork button*/{
        color: var(--text);

._a3gq ._aa48 ._aa4b{
    caret-color: var(--text);

/*Logged out*/
.gr27e /*elevated boxes*/{
    background-color: var(--none);
    border: none;

.izU2O,.b_nGN /*text*/{
    color: var(--text-dark2)

._2Lks6, ._2Lks6:hover, ._2Lks6:active, ._2Lks6:visited,.KPnG0 /*links fix*/{
    color: var(--accent)

._2hvTZ,._9GP1n /*text inputs*/{
    background: var(--bg3);
    border: none;
    color: var(--text);
    caret-color: var(--text);

.yWX7d._8A5w5, a.yWX7d._8A5w5, a.yW...


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