As the title implies, this is a basic dark theme for the Connexus EMS system, in use by Connections Academy. There are some issues that I could not figure out, as this is my first theme. If you would like to improve this style, feel free to copy it and make changes, as long as you still credit me for the base.
Connexus/Connections Academy Basic Dark Theme by cheezyfriez12

LicenseNo License
Size7.8 kB
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/* ==UserStyle==
@name Connexus/Connections Academy Basic Dark Theme
@version 20220608.18.40
@description As the title implies, this is a basic dark theme for the Connexus EMS system, in use by Connections Academy. There are some issues that I could not figure out, as this is my first theme. If you would like to improve this style, feel free to copy it and make changes, as long as you still credit me for the base.
@author cheezyfriez12
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
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