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A cool black seqta theme by asteroid-games



LicenseOpen source




Size5.5 kB


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black modern seqta


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         blaQ whitefriars
@version      20220802.23.13
@description  black modern seqta
@author       asteroid-games
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
:root {
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#menu {
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#menu {
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#title {
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    padding: 8px 48px 8px 16px;

#menu .sub {
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#menu .nav {
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.legacy-root {
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#main > .dashboard,
#toolbar {
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#main > .dashboard > .dashlet,
.SelectedAssessment__meta___1gq_y > .SelectedAssessment__due___gaPre {
    background: #00000055;

#main > .dashboard > .dashlet > .header > .title,
.dashlet-summary-homework > .summary > .subject > .item,
.dashlet-summary-homework > .summary > .subject > .title,
.notifications__detailsBody___2nU2k > .notifications__subtitle___1se8e {
    color: #fff;

.Canvas__canvas___OBdCZ {
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.legacy-root .uiButton {
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.legacy-root button,
.legacy-root a {
    background: rgba(var(--theme-bg-parts));

.legacy-root input,
.legacy-root textarea,
.legacy-root button,
.legacy-root select,
.legacy-root option,
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.connectedNotificationsWrapper > div > button {
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.notifications__notifications___3mmLY > button > .notifications__bubble___1EkSQ {
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    top: -2px;
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    border-radius: 5%;
    background: var(--orange);
    font-weight: bold;
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#content, body.cke_editable, body.userHTML {
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.Collapsible__Collapsible___3O8P3 > .Collapsible__header___-Afvq {
    padding: 4px 8px;
    border-bottom: 1px solid var(--theme-offset-bg);
    z-index: 10;
    background: none;

.SelectedAssessment__SelectedAssessment___3Bu5D > .SelectedAssessment__meta___1gq_y > .SelectedAssessment__due___gaPre,
.dashlet-notes, .Collapsible__Collapsible___3O8P3, .Collapsible__header___-Afvq, .Thermoscore__Thermoscore___2tWMi > .Thermoscore__fill___35WjF, .dashlet-notes>ul {
    background: #0005 !important;

.legacy-root .uiFileHandler > button,
.dashlet-notes > ul > li,
#main > .course > .content > h1 {
    color: #fff;

.Thermoscore__Thermoscore___2tWMi {
    --fill-colour: #0005;

body {
    font-family: 'Lato';
    color: #fff


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