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Custom Discord Editable Values by rejuiin

Screenshot of Custom Discord Editable Values



LicenseCC-BY-SA 4.0




Size20 kB


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Custom discord is the ability to edit discord to your preferences(basically)

Made to let you edit discord to your own preferences -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: 1. For white background set tertiary to .2 opacity 2. The floating background & pop-ups are both thesame but affect different pop-ups bg's. 3. If there are areas needed to be fixed report on Github Link

Current Features:

Features1 Features2 Features3 Features4


--------- June 16, 2022 ---------
-Added Channel and Members Animation
-Added Tools Animation
-Added borders
-Added Separate tabs
-Fixed Inbox background

--------- June 17, 2022 ---------
-Fixed Add role background
-Fixed Search bars
-Fixed roles list background (server profile)
-Fixed Voice chat background
-Added information

--------- June 18, 2022 ---------
-Fixed Channel and Members Animation hover distance
-Added Chat hover animation
-Minor fixes

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Custom Discord
@version        1.0.0
@description    Custom discord the ability to edit discord to your preferences(basically)
@author         Rejuiin
@license        CC-BY-SA 4.0

@advanced dropdown tool "Tools sliding animation"       {
    tool_off    "off"   <<<EOT /* EOT;
    tool_on     "on*"   <<<EOT  EOT;
@advanced dropdown chan "Channels sliding animation"    {
    chan_off    "off"   <<<EOT /* EOT;
    chan_on     "on*"   <<<EOT  EOT;
@advanced dropdown mem "Members sliding animation"      {
    mem_off     "off"   <<<EOT /* EOT;
    mem_on      "on*"   <<<EOT  EOT;
@advanced select _hover_distance "Hover distance" {
    "5px": "5px",
    "10px": "10px",
    "15px": "15px",
    "20px": "20px",
    "25px": "25px",
    "30px": "30px",
    "35px": "35px",
    "40px": "40px",
@advanced dropdown chat "Chat bar animation"      {
    chat_off     "off"   <<<EOT /* EOT;
    chat_on      "on*"   <<<EOT  EOT;
@advanced dropdown bor "Borders"      {
    bor_off     "off"   <<<EOT /* EOT;
    bor_on      "on*"   <<<EOT  EOT;

@advanced dropdown sep "Separate discord tabs"      {
    sep_off     "off"   <<<EOT /* EOT;
    sep_on      "on*"   <<<EOT  EOT; 
@advanced dropdown but "Buttons color"      {
    mem_off     "off"   <<<EOT /* EOT;
    mem_on      "on*"   <<<EOT  EOT;

@advanced select _margin "Margin" {
    "default": "5px",
    "10px": "10px",
    "15px": "15px"
@advanced select _radius "Border radius" {
    "0px": "0px",
    "5px": "5px",
    "10px": "10px",
    "15px": "15px",
    "20px": "20px"

@advanced       text        backgroundImage         "Background Image/GIF Link"   

@advanced       color       bg-primary              "Backgorund Primary"                    rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
@advanced       color       bg-secondary            "Backgorund Secondary"                  rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
@advanced       color       bg-tertiary             "Backgorund Tertiary -------------- (  .2  for images with white bg)"     rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
@advanced       color       bg-accent               "Backgorund Accent"                     rgba(40, 40, 40, 1);
@advanced       color       bg-floating             "Backgorund Floating"                   rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
@advanced       color       pop-up                  "Pop-ups bg (Similar to floating)"      rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
@advanced       color       bg-secondary-alt        "Backgorund Secondary-ALT(user)"        rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
@advanced       color       bg-message-bar          "Backgorund Message bar"                rgba(45, 45, 45, .7);
@advanced       color       shadow                  "Shadows"                               rgba(4, 232, 255, 1);
@advanced       color       bg-buttons              "Buttons Background"                    rgba(45, 45, 45, .7);
@advanced       color       scroll-bar              "Scroll Bar"                            rgba(28, 28, 28, 1);
@advanced       color       scroll-track            "Scroll Track"                          rgba(117, 116, 116, .4);
@advanced       color       border-color            "Border Color"                          rgba(117, 116, 116, .4);
@advanced       text        border-size             "Border Size"                           1px
@advanced       text        border-radius           "Border Radius"                         5px

@advanced       color       hd-primary              "Headers Primary"                       rgb(255, 255, 255);
@advanced       color       hd-secondary            "Headers Secondary"                     rgb(185, 187, 190);
@advanced       color       text-normal             "Text Normal"                           rgb(220, 221, 222);
@advanced       color       text-muted              "Text Muted"                            rgb(157, 157, 157);

@advanced       color       members-category        "Members Category"                      rgb(142, 146, 151);
@advanced       color       members-activity        "Members Activity"                      rgb(142, 146, 151);
@advanced       color       channels-category       "Channel Category"                      rgb(142, 146, 151);
@advanced       color       channels-default        "Channel Name"                          rgb(142, 146, 151);
@advanced       color       channels-icon           "Channel Name Icon"                     rgb(142, 146, 151);
@advanced       color       interactive-normal      "Icons Color"                           rgb(142, 146, 151);
@advanced       color       interactive-hover       "Hover text Color"                      rgb(255, 255, 255);
@advanced       color       unread-channel          "Unread Channel"                        rgb(255, 255, 255);
@advanced       color       muted-channel           "Muted Channel"                         rgb(79, 84, 92);
@advanced       color       link-color              "Link Color"                            rgb(56, 123, 211);
@advanced       color       bg-message-hover        "Background message hover"              rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
@advanced       color       bg-hover                "Background hover color"                rgba(79, 85, 94, .6);
@advanced       color       bg-selected-hover       "Background Selected color"             rgba(79, 85, 94, .6);    

@advanced       color       reaction-emoji-bg       "Chat reaction emoji bg"                rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);
@advanced       color       reaction-emoji-border   "Chat reaction emoji border color"      rgb(0, 66, 255);
@advanced       color       new-msg-bar             "New message bar"                       rgb(234, 0, 16);

==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain(""), url-prefix("") {

/*---------------------------------------- BACKGROUND & LAYOUT----------------------------------------*/
body {
    background: url("/*[[backgroundImage]]*/");
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-position: center;
    background-size: cover;
.appMount-3lHmkl {
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
    /*[[sep]]*/div[class*="sidebar-"], /* sidebar */
    /*[[sep]]*/div[class*="container-2cd8Mz"], /* right container */
    /*[[sep]]*/div[class*="chat-"] /* chat */
        border-radius: /*[[_radius]]*/!important;
        margin: /*[[_margin]]*/;
        transition: .25s ease-in-out;
    /*[[sep]]*/div[class*="none"] /* servers */ {
        background-color: /*[[bg-secondary]]*/; /* bg color replace */
        border-radius: /*[[_radius]]*/;
        margin: /*[[_margin]]*/ 0 /*[[_margin]]*/ 0;
        transition: .25s ease-in-out;
    /*[[sep]]*/div[class*="container-1eFt"] /* main */ {
        padding: /*[[_margin]]*/;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    section[class*="panels-"]:after {
        color: #fff;
        position: fixed;
        bottom: 10px;
        text-align: center;
        width: 240px;
.appMount-3lHmkl {
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .6);
/*---------------------------------------- DARK & WHITE THEME BACKGROUNDS ----------------------------------------*/
.theme-light {
    --background-primary:                                   /*[[bg-primary]]*/;
    --background-secondary:                                 /*[[bg-secondary]]*/;
    --background-tertiary:                                  /*[[bg-tertiary]]*/;
    --background-accent:                                    /*[[bg-accent]]*/;
    --background-floating:                                  /*[[bg-floating]]*/;
    --background-secondary-alt:                             /*[[bg-secondary-alt]]*/;
    --channeltextarea-background:                           /*[[bg-message-bar]]*/;

    --header-primary:                                       /*[[hd-primary]]*/;
    --header-secondary:                                     /*[[hd-secondary]]*/;
    --text-normal:                                          /*[[text-normal]]*/;
    --text-muted:                                           /*[[text-muted]]*/;
    --channels-default:                                     /*[[channels-default]]*/;
    --interactive-normal:                                   /*[[interactive-normal]]*/;
    --interactive-hover:                                    /*[[interactive-hover]]*/;
    --interactive-active:                                   /*[[unread-channel]]*/;
    --interactive-muted:                                    /*[[muted-channel]]*/; 
    --text-link:                                            /*[[link-color]]*/; 
    --background-message-hover:                             /*[[bg-message-hover]]*/; 
    --background-modifier-hover:                            /*[[bg-hover]]*/; 
    --background-modifier-active:                           /*[[bg-selected-hover]]*/; 
    --background-modifier-selected:                         /*[[bg-selected-hover]]*/; 
    --background-modifier-accent:                           /*[[bg-hover]]*/; 
    --scrollbar-auto-thumb:                                 /*[[scroll-bar]]*/; 
    --scrollbar-auto-track:                                 /*[[scroll-track]]*/; 
    --scrollbar-thin-thumb:                                 /*[[scroll-bar]]*/; 
    --scrollbar-thin-track:                                 /*[[scroll-track]]*/;
    --elevation-low: transparent;
	--elevation-high: 0 1px 10px                             /*[[shadow]]*/;

/*------------------------------Web Fixes--------------------------------- */

    /* New Message bar*/
    .isUnread-3Lojb-    {
        border-color:             /*[[new-msg-bar]]*/; 
    .unreadPill-3nEWYM  {
        background-color:         /*[[new-msg-bar]]*/; 
    .unreadPillCapStroke-1nE1Q8 {
        fill:                     /*[[new-msg-bar]]*/; 
        stroke:                   /*[[new-msg-bar]]*...


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