Write thy themes in the dark. May the dark be kinder on thine eyes. (Stylus dark theme)
Stylus DeepDark by raitarohikami
Imported and mirrored from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RaitaroH/Stylus-DeepDark/master/StylusDeepDark.user.css

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@name Stylus DeepDark
@namespace gitlab.com/RaitaroH/Stylus-DeepDark
@homepageURL https://github.com/RaitaroH/Stylus-DeepDark
@version 2.3.1
@description Write thy themes in the dark. May the dark be kinder on thine eyes. (Stylus dark theme)
@author RaitaroH and contributors
+co-authors https://github.com/RaitaroH/Stylus-DeepDark/graphs/contributors
@license GNU-V3.0
@preprocessor stylus
@var select stylus-deepdark-style "Preset themes" [
@var select colorRY "Red/Yellow color" [
"Gruvbox Dark",
"Gruvbox Dark Intense",
"Gruvbox Light",
"Gruvbox Light Intense",
@var color mainColor "Custom main color" "#367bf0"
@var color mainBackground "Custom main background" "#22242d"
@var color secondBackground "Custom second background" "#242730"
@var color hoverBackground "Custom hover background" "#4e5467"
@var color mainText "Custom main text" "#eee"
@var color dimmerText "Custom second text" "#ccc"
@var color editorBackground "Custom editor background" "#2f343f"
@var color selectBackground "Custom selection background" "#3c4150"
@var color colorShadow "Custom shadow color" "rgba(56, 60, 74, .3)"
@var color colorEvenEntry "Custom even color" "rgba(56, 60, 74, .4)"
@var color colorRed "Custom red color" "#ff6666"
@var color colorYellow "Custom yellow color" "#ffb266"
@var checkbox use-modified-default "Adaptive syntax highlighting" 1
@var checkbox stylus-syntax-theme "Stylus syntax highlighting" 1
@var checkbox support_update-problem "Update problem tooltips" 1
@var checkbox wrap-lint-msgs "Wrap lint messages" 1
@var checkbox hide-scrollbar "Fix CM search scrollbar" 0
@var text custom_sidebar_width "Sidebar width" 280px
@var text fontSize 'Editor font size' 12px
@var select cursorWidth 'Cursor width' {
"Slim 1px": "1px",
"Wider 2px": "2px",
"Wider+ 3px": "3px",
"Block 7px": "7px"
@var select cursorColor "Cursor color" {
"Deep-Dark": "#00adee",
"Inspired-Dark": "#5e8acc",
"Breeze-Dark": "#3daee9",
"Vertex-Dark": "#4080fb",
"Arc-Dark": "#5294E2",
"Firefox-Dark": "#5675B9",
"Firefox 57": "#4080fb",
"Discord": "#7289da",
"YouTube Dark": "#E52117",
"Mint-Y-Dark": "#9ab87c",
"9anime": "#723f8c",
"Black-and-White": "#fff",
"Yellow": "#ffc700",
"Yellow-2": "#ffc700",
"Ubuntu-Grey": "#ef7847",
"Ubuntu-Purple": "#ef7847",
"Orange": "#ff6905",
"Jisho": "#ef7d6c",
"Adapta-Nokto": "#00bcd4",
"Adapta-Breath Nokto": "#1abc9c",
"Solarized": "#268bd2",
"Gruvbox-Dark": "#fe8019",
"Gruvbox-Light": "#af3a03",
"NierAutomata-Dark": "#fe8019",
"NierAutomata-Light": "#fe8019",
"Custom": "custom-cursor-color"
@var color custom-cursor-color "Custom cursor color" "#04f911"
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp("moz-extension:\/\/.*"), regexp("chrome-extension:\/\/.*") {
/* Author : Theme made by RaitaroH and contributors */
/* Co-authors : https://gitlab.com/RaitaroH/Stylus-DeepDark/graphs/contributors */
/* Home : https://gitlab.com/RaitaroH/Stylus-DeepDark */
/* Licence : GNU General Public License v3.0 */
/* Version : 2.3.0 (2021-06-01) */
/* Main color variables */
/* stylelint-disable */
:root {
if stylus-deepdark-style == "Deep-Dark" {
--main-color: #00adee;
--main-background: #111;
--second-background: #181818;
--hover-background: #232323;
--main-text: #eff0f1;
--dimmer-text: #ccc;
--editor-background: #181818;
--select-background: #232323;
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
--even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .6);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Inspired-Dark" {
--main-color: #5e8acc;
--main-background: #232629;
--second-background: #181818;
--hover-background: #515254;
--main-text: #eee;
--dimmer-text: #ccc;
--editor-background: #181818;
--select-background: #232323;
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .13);
--even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .16);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Breeze-Dark" {
--main-color: #3daee9;
--main-background: #232629;
--second-background: #2a2e32;
--hover-background: #31363b;
--main-text: #eff0f1;
--dimmer-text: #bdc3c7;
--editor-background: #2a2e32;
--select-background: #31363b;
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .13);
--even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .16);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Vertex-Dark" {
--main-color: #4080fb;
--main-background: #2b2b2c;
--second-background: #353638;
--hover-background: #515254;
--main-text: #f3f3f5;
--dimmer-text: #aeafb0;
--editor-background: #2b2b2c;
--select-background: #515254;
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .13);
--even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Arc-Dark" {
--main-color: #5294e2;
--main-background: #343944;
--second-background: #383c4a;
--hover-background: #414a59;
--main-text: #c1c8d1;
--dimmer-text: #b3bac5;
--editor-background: #343944;
--select-background: #414a59;
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .13);
--even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .16);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Firefox-Dark" {
--main-color: #5675b9;
--main-background: #272b35;
--second-background: #181d20;
--hover-background: #353a44;
--main-text: #e3eef9;
--dimmer-text: #bec0cc;
--editor-background: #181d20;
--select-background: #353a44;
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .13);
--even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .16);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Firefox-57" {
--main-color: #4080fb;
--main-background: #0c0c0d;
--second-background: #252526;
--hover-background: #323234;
--main-text: #f9f9fa;
--dimmer-text: #d0d0d0;
--editor-background: #252526;
--select-background: #323234;
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(54, 54, 54, .2);
--even-entry-background: rgba(54, 54, 54, .4);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Discord" {
--main-color: #7289da;
--main-background: #1e2124;
--second-background: #2f3136;
--hover-background: #484b51;
--main-text: #fff;
--dimmer-text: #ada8aa;
--editor-background: #2f3136;
--select-background: #484b51;
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(47, 49, 54, .23);
--even-entry-background: rgba(47, 49, 54, .49);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "YouTube-Dark" {
--main-color: #e52117;
--main-background: #111;
--second-background: #232323;
--hover-background: #343434;
--main-text: #e1e1e1;
--dimmer-text: #7f7f7f;
--editor-background: #111;
--select-background: #343434;
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(54, 54, 54, .2);
--even-entry-background: rgba(54, 54, 54, .4);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Mint-Y-Dark" {
--main-color: #9ab87c;
--main-background: #2f2f2f;
--second-background: #383838;
--hover-background: #404040;
--main-text: #fff;
--dimmer-text: #d5dada;
--editor-background: #2f2f2f;
--select-background: #404040;
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .13);
--even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .23);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "9anime" {
--main-color: #723f8c;
--main-background: #0b0a0d;
--second-background: #17151c;
--hover-background: #1e1c25;
--main-text: #f9f6fb;
--dimmer-text: #cac0cf;
--editor-background: #17151c;
--select-background: rgba(180, 180, 180, .1);
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(54, 54, 54, .13);
--even-entry-background: rgba(54, 54, 54, .36);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Black-and-White" {
--main-color: #fff;
--main-background: #000;
--second-background: #1e1e1e;
--hover-background: #313131;
--main-text: #fff;
--dimmer-text: #aaa;
--editor-background: #0a0a0a;
--select-background: #222;
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(54, 54, 54, .2);
--even-entry-background: rgba(54, 54, 54, .4);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Yellow" {
--main-color: #ffc700;
--main-background: #141414;
--second-background: #202222;
--hover-background: #353838;
--main-text: #eff0f1;
--dimmer-text: #9f9999;
--editor-background: #202222;
--select-background: #353838;
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(34, 34, 34, .2);
--even-entry-background: rgba(34, 34, 34, 1);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Yellow-2" {
--main-color: #ffc700;
--main-background: #0a0800;
--second-background: #0c0a04;
--hover-background: #0f0d05;
--main-text: #fffdf5;
--dimmer-text: #fff8e1;
--editor-background: rgba(12, 10, 4, .2);
--select-background: rgba(255, 253, 245, .1);
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(34, 34, 34, .2);
--even-entry-background: rgba(34, 34, 34, 1);
else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Ubuntu-Grey" {
--main-color: #ef7847;
--main-background: #312d2a;
--second-background: #3d3c38;
--hover-background: #59564d;
--main-text: #f2f1ef;
--dimmer-text: #e6e5e3;
--editor-background: #312d2a;
--select-background: #59564d;
--shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(89, 86, 77, .12);