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Yahoo Fantasy Dark Night Theme by sportswook



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The most complete and updated night (dark or black) theme for Yahoo Fantasy as of Fall 2018. Should work for all Fantasy sports on, but only tested for Football, Basketball and Baseball. I used theo shu's theme as a template but made a lot of modifications/updates.

Designed for Firefox, but can be imported to Chrome to work with that browser - just copy the CSS and "import" to Chrome in the style settings of that browser.

NOTE - this has only been tested in Firefox using the Stylus CSS add-on.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Yahoo Fantasy Dark Night Theme
@namespace      Yahoo Fantasy Dark Night Theme
@version        1.0.0
@description    A new userstyle
@author         sportswook
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {

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.Table td,
.List-rich > .Listitem
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#Stencil .Bg-overlay,
.Nav-flyout > .Nav-v
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.Thm-toyota .Thm-inherit, .Thm-toyota.Thm-override
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.Table-interactive tr:hover > td.Selected, .Table-interactive tr:hover > td, .Table-interactive tr:hover
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#slogan-content.slogan-default, #slogan-content.editing,,, #notetoself-content.editing,,
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    color: #AAAAAA;

  .Atomic .Bgc\(selected\)
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    border-bottom: 1px solid #464646;

  .Ta-end, .Bdrstart, .Mawpx-40, .Fz-xxs
    color: #DDD;

  .Atomic .Bgc\(\#f7f8ff\)\:h:hover
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    color: #ADD4FF;

  #medal-leaders .bd ol li a.manager-link
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  #medal-detail .medal-data .related em
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/* Link colors */
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#Stencil .F-link
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    color: #ADD4FF;

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    color: #878787;

  .StencilRoot .App-Title
    color: #AAAAAA;

  .SimpleTabs .Selected a
    color: RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0.75) !important;

  .Atomic .C\(\# ADD4FF\), .Atomic .C\(blue1\), .Atomic .C\(progress-confirmed\)
    color: #ADD4FF;

  .Fz-xxl, .Fz-lg
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    color: #DDD;

  #Stencil .Bg-shade3
    background: #161719;

  .Table th a
    color: #AAAAAA;

/* Avatars */
  .Avatar-xs, .Avatar-sm, .Avatar-med, .Avatar-lg
    background-size: 100%;
    background-color: #DDD;
/* Player notes and video icons */
    .yfa-icon.playernote-new, .yfa-icon.playernote-recent, .yfa-icon.playernote-old,,, {
    background-image: url('');
    background-size: auto 84px;

.yfa-icon.playernote-new, .yfa-icon.playernote-recent, .yfa-icon.playernote-old,,,
  background-image: url('');
  background-size: auto 84px;

/* Player Popups */
.yui3-ysplayernote .playernoteview
  width: 100%;

.Ta-c.Bdrbot.Py-lg, .yui3-widget-ft
  display: none;

.yui3-ysplayernote .dynamicnote-bd, .yui3-ysplayernote .teamsched-bd
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.yui3-ysplayernote .teamsched-ft p, .yui3-ysplayernote .playernotes-ft p
  background-color: #1c1d1f;

.teamsched-bd .even
  background-color: #2b2b2c;

.teamsched-bd .teamtable td, .yui3-ysplayernote .teamsched,
.yui3-ysplayernote .teamsched-ft, .yui3-ysplayernote .playernotes-ft,
.yui3-ysplayernote .playerdata
  border-color: #1c1d1f;

.yui3-ysplayernote .teamsched-ft p, .yui3-ysplayernote .playernotes-ft p
  border-color: #1c1d1f;

.yui3-ysplayernote .teamsched
  background-color: #2b2b2c;

.yui3-ysplayernote .teamsched .teamtable th div
  border-left-color: #333;

.yui3-ysplayernote .teamsched-bd h5
  background-color: #1c1d1f;

.yui3-ysplayernote .playerdata, .yui3-ysplayernote .playernotes, .yui3-ysplayernote .playernoteview-notes
  background-color: #1c1d1f;

.yui3-ysplayernote p.rating-value,
.yui3-ysplayernote p.rating-comment,
.yui3-ysplayernote #playernotes-pointsagainst,
  color: #ddd;

.yui3-ysplayernote .playernoteview-notes
  height: 400px;

.yui3-ysplayernote .playernotes-bd
  height: 380px;

.yui3-ysplayernote .teamsched
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.yui3-ysplayernote .teamsched table td
  color: #DDD;

.yui3-ysplayernote .teamsched table td.fanpts
  color: #FFF;

.teamtable tr.even td
  background: none;

.yui3-ysplayernote .teamsched th, .yui3-ysplayernote .teamsched thead
  color: #AAAAAA;

/* Twitter Feed */
html, .SandboxRoot, .p-author .profile .p-name, .custom-timeline-owner-profile .p-name, .cards-base p, .cards-base p a, .timeline-header .custom-timeline-summary, .timeline-header .custom-timeline-summary a:link, .timeline-header .custom-timeline-summary a:visited, .timeline-header .summary, .timeline-header .summary a:link, .timeline-header .summary a:visited, .p-author a.profile:hover .p-name, .p-author a.profile:focus .p-name
  color: #AAA;

  border-color: #444;

  background: #292929;
  border: 1px #444 solid;

.Table th
  color: #B0B0B0;

  color: #8EC0FF;

.Nav-h:not(.Nav-main) > .Navitem.Selected > .Navtarget
  color: #EEE;

.Nav-main > .Selected > .Navtarget,.Nav-main > .Selected:hover > .Navtarget
  color: #EEE;

  background-color: #000000;

#Stencil .Bdr,#Stencil .Bdrx,#Stencil .Bdry,#Stencil .Bdrtop,#Stencil .Bdrbot,#Stencil .Bdrstart,#...


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