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Tyyde's Green Theme O.o by tyyde

Screenshot of Tyyde's Green Theme O.o



LicenseNo License



Size200 kB


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Tyyde's custom theme, full of green :P

-Credits to HappyPlays for most of the code (this is basically just a heavily retextured Modern Blue)
-Credits to HappyPlays for the Roblox+ Menu Settings Fix
-Credits to Extra_Dragons211 for the BC icons
-Credits to Ghastless Gibus for the old Roblox 2016 logo
-Credits to gustavo242 for the old Robux icons


2nd update!! 1.2:

-fixed light theme a bit more
-due to a Roblox update that disables images that arent hosted on the Roblox website from being used, there will be no images on the sidebar or header navbars, the Builders Club icon will no longer work, you will no longer be able to see the classic Roblox R on the header (unless you're using BTRoblox to keep the sidebar open), and you will not see the classic Roblox+ logo. i may fix some of this, im not sure i can fix the classic Roblox+ logo

3rd update!! 1.3:

-old robux icons :)

4th update!! 1.4:

-fixed small Roblox R icon on the header
-fixed BC icons

-Credits to HappyPlays for most of the code (this is basically just a heavily retextured Modern Blue)
-Credits to HappyPlays for the Roblox+ Menu Settings Fix
-Credits to Extra_Dragons211 for the BC icons
-Credits to Ghastless Gibus for the old Roblox 2016 logo
-Credits to gustavo242 for the old Robux icons

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Tyyde's Green Theme O.o
@namespace      a
@author         Tyyde, HappyPlays, Extra_Dragons211, Ghastless Gibus
@description    `
-Credits to HappyPlays for most of the code (this is basically just a heavily retextured Modern Blue)
-Credits to HappyPlays for the Roblox+ Menu Settings Fix
-Credits to Extra_Dragons211 for the BC icons
-Credits to Ghastless Gibus for the old Roblox 2016 logo
-Credits to gustavo242 for the old Robux icons`
@version        20220614.7.57
@license        No License
@preprocessor   uso
@advanced dropdown Useless-Dropdown "‎" {
	Useless-Dropdown-1 "‎*" <<<EOT  EOT;
Useless-Dropdown-2 "‎" <<<EOT  EOT;


@advanced dropdown Homepage-Hello "\"Hello,\" Homepage Greeting" {
	No-Hello "No \"Hello,\"*" <<<EOT  EOT;
Hello "\"Hello,\"" <<<EOT .user-name-container a:before, span.user-name-container:before {
    content: "Hello, "!important;
.user-name-container a:after, span.user-name-container:after {
    content: "!"!important; EOT;

==/UserStyle== */

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