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Just Dance Now: Advanced by justin

Screenshot of Just Dance Now: Advanced



LicenseNo License



Code size29 kB

Code checksuma2c4bb60


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This will be the final version, since the jdn will update soon, so... yeah.


This will be the final version, since the jdn will update soon, so... yeah.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Just Dance Now: Advanced (w.i.p)
@version      20221129.16.25
@description  w.i.p
@author       justin
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url(""), url(""), url(""), url("") {
.connect-phone-info, .sprite, .toggle, .section-grid-trainer, .tabs--connect, .controller-coins, .player-flag, .player-master, .state-songselection .player-color, .player-exp, .song-grid--description, .song-grid--duration, .playlist, .state-songselection .song-cover--low-res, .reward__content, .state-coachselection #players, .danceroom__qr-code-wrapper, .danceroom__label, #toast, .coach-selection:after, .coach-selection__button, .coach-selection__back, .playlist-img-container, .state-afterdance #players, .platform, .tutorial__image, .tutorial:before, .tutorial:after, .tutorial__caption, .state-coachselection .highscore-display, .state-tutorial .highscore-display, .state-tutorial .song-action, #players::before, #room-info, .room-info__patch, .room-info__patch::after, .room-info__patch::before, .tabs--text, ul.tabs li[section-id="playlist"] .tabs--icon, .song-grid--details .song-grid--titleDetails .song-grid--title, .song-grid--details .song-grid--titleDetails, .grid-container .item-container .title-container, .title-container .caption, .title-container .artist, .item-selected .song__decoration::after, .song__difficulty, .song-action__button::after, .song-action__button::before, .song-action__button, .landing-text, .landing__video, .landing__content, .logo__inner, .side-nav .label, .side-nav .dot, .landing-patch .landing-patch-2, .landing-patch::before, .landing-patch::after, .exit-btn--continue, .exit-btn--play-again, #afterdance .flag, #just-dance-now .tutorial .dancercard, #just-dance-now .tutorial #players .player, ul.tabs li.selected::before, ul.tabs li[section-id="playlist"] .tabs--icon:before, .dancerOfWeek-container, #afterdance, #pictos, #beat .particle-system
    display: none !important
@font-face {
    font-family: "Just Dance Regular";
    src: url('') format('woff');

@font-face {
    font-family: "Just Dance";
    src: url('') format('woff');
    src: url('') format('woff2');


/*Songs Rotation*/
@keyframes NewSongsRotate
{	0%   { background-image: url( }
	25%  { background-image: url( }
    50%  { background-image: url( }
	75%  { background-image: url( } 
	100% { background-image: url( } }

/*makes the loading pops*/
@keyframes loading
  75%  {-webkit-transform: scale(1.5) rotateZ(0);	transform: scale(1.5) rotateZ(0);}

  100% {-webkit-transform: scale(2) rotateZ(0);		transform: scale(2) rotateZ(0);  }

  100% {-webkit-transform: scale(1) rotateZ(0);		transform: scale(1) rotateZ(0);  }

@keyframes start
{	0%   { transform: scale(0.8);		-webkit-filter: brightness(115%);	filter: brightness(115%);	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content;		background-image: url( }
    5%   { transform: scale(0.9);		-webkit-filter: brightness(100%);	filter: brightness(100%);	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content; }
    15%  { transform: scale(0.8);		background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content;		background-image: url(}
	20%  { transform: scale(0.8);		-webkit-filter: brightness(115%);	filter: brightness(115%);	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content;		background-image: url(	}
    25%	 { transform: scale(1.0);	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content;	-webkit-filter: brightness(100%);	filter: brightness(100%); }
    35%  { transform: scale(0.9);	background-image: url(;	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content; }
	40%  { transform: scale(0.8);	-webkit-filter: brightness(115%);	filter: brightness(115%);	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;		width: fit-content;		background-image: url(  }
    45%  { transform: scale(0.9);	-webkit-filter: brightness(100%);	filter: brightness(100%);	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content; }
    55%  { transform: scale(0.8);	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content;	background-image: url(  }
	60%  { transform: scale(0.9);	-webkit-filter: brightness(115%);	filter: brightness(115%);	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content;		background-image: url(  }
    65%  { transform: scale(1.0);	-webkit-filter: brightness(100%);	filter: brightness(100%);	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content; }
    75%  { transform: scale(0.9);	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content;	background-image: url(  }
	80%  { transform: scale(0.8);	-webkit-filter: brightness(115%);	filter: brightness(115%);	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content;		background-image: url( }
    85%  { transform: scale(0.9);	-webkit-filter: brightness(100%);	filter: brightness(100%);	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content; }
    95%  { transform: scale(0.8);	background-size: auto;	height: fit-content;	width: fit-content;	background-image: url( }

@keyframes TabIconBounce
    0%   {transform: scale(1.6);	-webkit-filter: brightness(115%);	filter: brightness(115%);}
    20%  {transform: scale(1.7); -webkit-filter: brightness(100%);	filter: brightness(100%);}
    100% {transform: scale(1.7)}

@keyframes stars
    0%   {transform: scale(1.1);	-webkit-filter: brightness(115%);	filter: brightness(115%);}
    20%  {transform: scale(1.2);	-webkit-filter: brightness(100%);	filter: brightness(100%);}
    100% {transform: scale(1.1)}

/*this make #beat stay without animation*/
@keyframes a
{ 0%   { opacity: 100% }
  100% { opacity: 100% } 

/*this animation makes the pictobar pop*/
@keyframes beatbar
{ 0%   {	opacity: 100%;	transform: scaleX(1.65);	bottom: -46px; }
  100% {	opacity: 0% }


.main-header { background: white }

.same-background, .main { background-color: #db5cb9; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, #fff); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed; }

.dr-landing__wrapper { transform: scale(3); padding-left:  12.5rem; padding-top: 6.5rem; color: #760d91 }

.dr-landing { color: #490e66 }

.qr-code__img { color: pink }


.init-spinner--splash { background: #fff; }

.init-spinner--splash .init-spinner__spinner, .init-spinner__spinner { fill: #fb5ed7; }

.init-spinner--splash::before { top: -5%; animation: start infinite 4s; }

/*general assets*/

#just-dance-now { background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #fff) !important; }
#coverflow { padding-top: 0 !important; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #fff) !important; background-size: cover !important }


#section-tabs   {	position: absolute !important;	border-radius: 0px;	height: 50%;	top: 27%;	left: 10%;	width: 75%;	z-index: 99999 !important

#section-tabs:before {	content: "New Songs added, including: I Love It by Icona Pop feat. Charli XCX"; position: absolute !important;	background: #fff !important;	width: 145% !important;	height: 12% !important;	display: block !important;	left: -11.5%;	top: 120%;	font-size: 15%;	color: #ff00c5;	font-family: Just Dance Regular;	padding-left: 35%;	padding-top: 2%

#section-tabs:after  { animation: NewSongsRotate infinite 9s ;	content: "";	position: absolute;	width: 8%;	height: 22%;	border-radius: 9px;	border: solid #fff;	top: 100%;	left: 46.5%;	background-size: c...


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