Hides overlay UI on Google Maps Street View. Useful for taking screenshots.
Immersive Street View by 0ko
Imported from a private source
Mirrored from https://codeberg.org/0ko/UserStyles/raw/main/Google-Maps/Immersive/Immersive.user.css

Categorygoogle maps, google street view
Size1.6 kB
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Makes it possible to hide the interface completely, as well as some individual elements:
- watermark
- vignette
- other things
You may need to disable the style to manually hide some UI elements, such as bottom pane, minimap or sidebar.
Check out a similar style but for Yandex Maps: Immersive Yandex Panorama.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Immersive Street View
@author 0ko (https://userstyles.world/~0ko)
@description For Google Maps. Removes overlay UI for taking screenshots.
@version 1.2.4
@license MIT
@preprocessor stylus
@namespace 0ko userstyles
@homepageURL https://codeberg.org/0ko/UserStyles#immersive-google-maps-street-view
@supportURL https://codeberg.org/0ko/UserStyles/issues
@var checkbox noUI "Totally immersive" 0
@var checkbox noVignette "No vignette (& close button)" 0
@var checkbox noSearchbar "No search bar" 0
@var checkbox noTitlecard "No title card" 0
@var checkbox noMinimap "No mini-map" 0
@var checkbox noInfo "No bottom right info" 1
@var checkbox noWatermark "No watermark" 1
@var color usageHint "You may need to disable the style to manually hide some UI elements." "#ffffff00"
==/UserStyle== */
imp = !important
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.google.com/maps/")
if noUI
display: none imp
if noUI or noVignette
display: none imp
if noUI or noSearchbar
#omnibox-singlebox .omnibox-active[role="search"]
display: none imp
if noUI or noTitlecard
display: none imp
if noUI or noMinimap
display: none imp
if noUI or noInfo
display: none imp
if noWatermark
display: none imp
@-moz-document domain("www.google.com") { --ISV-UserStyle-USw-Stylus-Index-Special: #000; }